Organizational Growth


Write an essay on  Organizational growth.


Organizational growth is one of the key factors for achieving brand values and reputations in the global platform. In this context, Fynntown council has been supported by the diverse industries including general farming, tourism, dairying, fruit production, manufacturing, engineering and tree felling. Hence, it can be identified that the organization can grow their business from tourism, and manufacturing industries, as these industries, are experiencing robust growth in the global platform (Hendry 2012). With the engagement of different policy implementation, the particular organization could enhance the business effectiveness in an effective manner. On the other hand, the manager of the organization has stated that the company embraces the requirement of the community by protecting and enhancing the natural environment and lifestyle (Armstrong and Taylor 2014). 

Predicted areas of organizational downsizing

Although the organization has several areas for experiencing profit maximization in the business, the company has engaged some industry that may downsize the organizational growth. In recent years, the organization has failed in serving proper support to the customers due to internal issues in the business (Bratton and Gold 2012). Some areas of the business including tree felling, fruit production, and engineering do not create much effectiveness in the business process management. Hence, the organization may not have the opportunities for gaining competitive advantages through the engagement of particular industries (Jiang et al. 2012). On the other hand, the organization needs to identify the rationale of employee turnover for diminishing the workforce issues. Consequently, it allows the organization in preventing the downsizing of the business. 

Labour skills requirements

Skilled labor plays an important role in the enhancement of the business in an efficient manner. In the global business, most organizations face challenges in acquiring the skilled labors. In this context, the organization has engaged industries including general farming, tourism, dairying, fruit production, manufacturing, engineering and tree felling (Purce 2014). Hence, the organization needs to involve professionals from the particular industries. The organization focuses on the tourism industry and manufacturing industry for enhancing the business opportunity in an appropriate manner (Cuñat and Melitz 2012). Fynntown council needs to involve the law enforcement officers, computer operators, financial technicians and administrative assistants. Moreover, the particular company should have engaged skilled labors for obtaining the profit maximization in the business. 

The link between the plans and workforce planning

Workforce planning indicates a core function of human resource management. Moreover, it relates to the systematic identification and analysis of the organizational objectives. The particular organization needs to execute the workforce planning through systematic processes including initiation, environment scan, current workforce profile, transition workforce profile, future workforce view, analysis and target future and risk assessment and risk mitigation (Osterman 2014). The prime link between plans and workforce planning is that the planning indicates strategies for overall business enhancement, whereas workforce planning suggests the method of engaging potential labors to enhance the productivity of the business in an efficient manner. In this context, Fynntown council needs to develop their workforce planning depending on the business requirement. The management should have engaged skilled and potential employees for each industry (Jensen 2012). Moreover, the organization needs to consider to the experience of the candidate for enhancing the workforce in the business. 

Analysis of existing workforce identifying:

Current skills and skills gap

Fynntown council have been facing in filling the skills gap in the business due to industry shortage. The organization has engaged different kinds of industries including manufacturing, fruit production, tourism, etc. The organization has identified the skills shortage or the skills gap in some departments including plant mechanics, revenue officers, GIS/ Land information officers, planners, building surveyors, and engineers (Kroft, Lange and Notowidigdo 2012). Fynntown council has focused on reducing bias from the recruiting section for diminishing the skill gap in the business. 

Diversity requirements

Skills diversity indicates an important aspect for enhancing the workforce management in the business. Through the engagement of skilled diversity, Fynntown Council could enhance the business productivity in an effective manner (Smilowitz, Nowak and Jiang 2013). The management has discussed the fact skills diversity allows the organization to achieve the objectives of the business. Moreover, the diversity of the skills allows the organization in gaining competitive advantages in the business. In recent years, the organization develops the diversity skills by focusing different section of the business including listening, training, understanding, and task sharing. Enhanced training skills provided by the organization facilitate the employees to improve working skills (Cox Jr 2015). 

Capacity to meet predicted demands on services (staff numbers, team structure, and skills availability)

Fynntown council has been focusing on their capacity for predicting demands of the service within a short timeline. It depends on several factors including staff members, team structure, and skills availability (Goetsch and Davis 2014). In this context, Fynntown council has 155 full-time employees along with 20 part-time employees in the business. The organization has engaged equal male and female employees in the business for executing the work process. By analyzing the structure of the business, it can be assessed that chief executive officer handles different departments of the business such as follows:

Infrastructure service

Planning and development, 

Finance and corporate services, 

Community and cultural services

Health, security and regulatory services 

Work, Parks and Recreation

Although the organization has been facing challenges of a skills gap in the business, the management tries to develop its productivity through available skills in the company. Fynntown council has engaged skilled professionals in the finance and corporate sections and community and cultural services (Kim, Kumar and Kumar 2012). Moreover, the organization has engaged the skilled employees in the infrastructure services. Some planning and development officers have been recruited in the business for the profit maximization. 

Stuff turnover

By analyzing the staff turnover of the company, it can be assessed that 35 permanent employees have left the organization in last the year. Among 35 employees, 29 were resigned and retired from the company.  On the other hand, the voluntary turnover in local government in the same year was approximately 14%. The management has evaluated three prime reasons for staff turnover including other employment opportunities, retirement and dissatisfaction with remuneration (O’Neil Labour supply availability identifying:

Demographics of labor supply pool

Global workforce indicates the international labor pool of workers in the business. It is connected to the global system of networking and production. Labor supply depends on different demographics factors. The organization considers age, sex, working proficiency, geographic locations and others (Vance and Paik 2015). In this context, the organization engages both male and female employees for executing the business in an effective manner. On the other hand, the organization focuses on engaging employees from the same geographic location for the easy employee availability in the business. Fynntown council has involved 1.8% employees who belong to the below 24 years age group. On the other hand, 20% of employees belong to the 25 to 34 years age. Hence, it can be assessed that the organization believes in the youth workforce, as they are potential in achieving the goals and objectives of the business (Hancock et al..2013). 

Economic Profile of labor catchment area

The catchment area indicates the area from a particular city, service or institution attracting a population, which employs its services. By analyzing the Economic profile of labor catchment area, it can be assessed that the organization should focus on the salary increment of employees to enhance the workforce management (Hendry 2012). In recent years, the organization face challenges in managing the workforce in the business. High salary would allow the organization to retain employees in the business for a long period. On the other hand, the reward allocation process would facilitate organization for motivating employees to provide high productivity in the business (Bratton and Gold 2012). 

Forecast human resource (population) supply 

Labor forecasting techniques:

Qualitative techniques: 

The qualitative technique includes ratio analysis, time series analysis or the regression techniques. The ratio analysis indicates the forecasting techniques based on the ratio between some casual factors like sales volume and the number of employees required in the business (Purce 2014). On the other hand, the regression analysis identifies the movement of two or more inter-related series. It is employed for measuring the changes in variables. 

Quantitative techniques: 

Quantitative techniques include estimates, reviews, succession planning vacancy analysis or the judgment analysis. Through the engagement of the quantitative analysis, the organization could obtain feedbacks of the employees regarding the business process management. Reviewing and succession planning are the important parts of the business as it facilitates the organization in monitoring the existing business in an effective manner (Cuñat and Melitz 2012). 

 Improvement opportunities

Fynntown council needs to involve the strategic implementation for improving the business opportunities in an efficient manner. The key development area of the business is that the organization needs to focus on the customer service for developing the business (Osterman 2014). The staff turnover has been increasing each year, and it creates difficulties for the company to retain business profitability in an efficient manner. The improvement needs to include the protection and enhancement of the natural environment, lifestyle and culture and heritage of its members through the social, cultural and economic environment (Smilowitz, Nowak, and Jiang 2013). 

Workforce strategy including key milestones for each of the following: 

Objectives for the FCC workforce (modifications and retention)

The prime objective of the FCC workforce is to provide the leadership to their community with equitable, efficient and effective services for achieving present and future requirements. On the other hand, the FCC workforce preserves the past along with securing the future. The core values of the business include teamwork, accountability, service excellence, continuous improvement, respect and integrity (Goetsch and Davis 2014). In recent years, the organization has been facing genuine risks that FCC would lose its State and Federal Government funding in the business. Consequently, the prime objective of the workforce management is to identify the workforce planning for diminishing the risk from the business. 

Turnover management objectives

The prime objective of the management is to develop the customer services for enhancing the reputation of the company. Moreover, the management focuses on reducing the employee turnover in the business. The turnover can be reduced through hiring right candidates in the business. Reorganization and reward allocation can be categorized as the method diminishing the employee turnover in the business (Vance and Paik 2015). Employee turnover can produce enhanced productivity in the business, which would facilitate in expanding business in the large demographic areas. 

Retention objectives

Employee retention would provide the competitive advantages in the business. In this context, Fynntown council can enhance the employee retention in the business through providing several facilities to employees. The prime outcome of the retention is to retain the employee’s skills, talent and values in the business. Moreover, it facilitates in existing employee’s cultural fit and performance (Hancock et al. 2013). Retention policy provides numerous benefits to the organization, which facilitates in maximizing the profit of the business. In this context, Fynntown Council would diminish the issues of customer services through focusing the employee retention in the business. 

Attraction objectives

Employee attraction depends on several factors including candidate’s demand, passive and active candidate, and use of relevant media channels and creating a winning value proposition. With the involvement of attracting employee in the business, the organization could enhance the business opportunity in an efficient manner (Jensen 2012). On the other hand, the organization focuses on providing recognition, feedback, fair pay, control, culture, rewards, and leaders. In the global business market, most organization attracts employees for retaining them for a long period. Fynntown Council’s employee turnover indicates a major issue in the business (Osterman 2014). Consequently, they need to focus on attracting employees in the business. 

Diversity objectives

Diversity objectives play an important role in the business. Strategic objectives include the diversity, inclusion, communications, external relations and accountability. Through the engagement of workforce diversity, the organization can obtain several beneficial aspects including increasing productivity, language skills, positive skills and positive reputation (Jensen 2012). The workforce diversity may engage the unique recruiting system in the business. 

Create an advertisement to attract a diversity-targeted candidate per the strategy; e.g. a worker over the age of 55-year-old, a return to work mother, etc.

The organization creates an advertisement for recruiting people in the business. Moreover, it would facilitate to attract the diversity-targeted candidate in the organization. In the recruiting process, the organization is going to implement a new strategy to retain the diversity in the workplace (Smilowitz, Nowak and Jiang 2013). In this context, the particular organization would engage over aged skilled people for enhancing the business opportunity in the business. On the other hand, Fynntown Council focuses on engaging part-time employee for reducing the work pressure in the organization. The management of the organization believes that the workforce diversity would provide a best-fit solution for diminishing the skill shortages in the business. The company tries to involve skilled revenue officers, building surveyors, engineers, and planners. Advertisement is refereed to Appendix.

Contingency plan for extreme skilled labor shortage in the event of high service demand

The skilled shortage is a major issue in the business. The organization needs to focus on their planning and strategy in order to execute the high service demand. The strategies may include the reinvent of the company, reassess employees, and recruit capacity to learn, redeploy skills, retraining and foreign workers (Goetsch and Davis 2014). On the other hand, the organization needs to understand the objective of the business for implementing strategies in the organization. Identification of challenges indicates the prime objectives of the organization.


Armstrong, M. and Taylor, S., 2014. Armstrong’s handbook of human resource management practice. Kogan Page Publishers.

Bratton, J. and Gold, J., 2012. Human resource management: theory and practice. Palgrave Macmillan.

Cox Jr, T., 2015. Book Review: Creating the Multicultural Organization.Workforce Management.

Cuñat, A. and Melitz, M.J., 2012. Volatility, labor market flexibility, and the pattern of comparative advantage. Journal of the European Economic Association, 10(2), pp.225-254.

Goetsch, D.L. and Davis, S.B., 2014. Quality management for organizational excellence. pearson.

Hancock, J.I., Allen, D.G., Bosco, F.A., McDaniel, K.R. and Pierce, C.A., 2013. Meta-analytic review of employee turnover as a predictor of firm performance. Journal of Management, 39(3), pp.573-603.

Hendry, C., 2012. Human resource management. Routledge.

Jensen, R., 2012. Do labor market opportunities affect young women’s work and family decisions? Experimental evidence from India. The Quarterly Journal of Economics, p.qjs002.

Jiang, K., Lepak, D.P., Hu, J. and Baer, J.C., 2012. How does human resource management influence organizational outcomes? A meta-analytic investigation of mediating mechanisms. Academy of management Journal,55(6), pp.1264-1294.

Kim, D.Y., Kumar, V. and Kumar, U., 2012. Relationship between quality management practices and innovation. Journal of operations management,30(4), pp.295-315.

Kroft, K., Lange, F. and Notowidigdo, M.J., 2012. Duration dependence and labor market conditions: Theory and evidence from a field experiment (No. w18387). National Bureau of Economic Research.

O’Neil, H.F., 2014. Workforce readiness: Competencies and assessment. Psychology Press.

Osterman, P., 2014. Securing prosperity: The American labor market: How it has changed and what to do about it. Princeton University Press.

Purce, J., 2014. The impact of corporate strategy on human resource management. New Perspectives on Human Resource Management (Routledge Revivals), 67.

Smilowitz, K., Nowak, M. and Jiang, T., 2013. Workforce management in periodic delivery operations. Transportation Science, 47(2), pp.214-230.

Vance, C.M. and Paik, Y., 2015. Managing a global workforce. Routledge. is
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