Hospitality and Personnel Management

Discuss about the Hospitality and Personnel Management.


Hospitality management is the study of the hospitality industry that includes marketing, personnel management, customer service and business administration (Walker & Walker, 2012). It has been found that nowadays, hospitality management is considered as a growing field. Hospitality management also includes hotel and tourism management, hotel management and hotel administration. Therefore, it can be said that hospitality management also covers restaurants, hotels, amusement parks, cruise ships, convention centers, country clubs and destination marketing organizations (Mok, Sparks & Kadampully, 2013). In this report, the hospitality, event and tourism management of a particular organization named “Shangri-La Hotel” has been analyzed in detail. For this report, an organization named “Shangri-La Hotel” of Sydney has been selected and the problems within the specified organization have been identified. In addition to this, justification for the identified problems within the firm Shangri-La Hotel has also been provided.  Moreover, the various solutions to all the identified problems have also been identified and outlined. Additionally, the implementation of the suggested or proposed solutions to all the identified problems has also been discussed in detail in a step-by-step process (Li & Law, 2012). The theoretical concepts regarding the particular project and the ethical issues that came into play during the process of the project have also been mentioned. Lastly, the self reflection regarding the implementation of the proposed solutions, the lessons learnt from this particular project and the limitations of the work along with the processes to overcome them have also been analyzed in detail.

Company Background

Shangri-La Hotels and resorts is a Hong-Kong based multinational hospitality company. It has been founded in the year 1971 by Robert Kuok and presently Shangri-La Hotel has 111 resorts and hotels with more than 38,000 rooms in the worldwide (Shangri-La Group – Best 5-star Hotels and Finest Resorts, 2016). The particular hotel has its resorts and hotels in many parts of the world like – Asia, Australia, Europe, North America and Middle East. This organization has mainly 5 brands across various segments of the market, these include – Shangri-La Hotels, Traders Hotels, Shangri-La Resorts, Hotel Jen and Kerry Hotels (Shangri-La Group – Best 5-star Hotels and Finest Resorts, 2016). It has been found that the organization Shangri-La Hotel of Sydney possesses numerous experienced staffs that cater the needs of the guests by providing an enhanced range of facilities and services. The services that are provided by the Shangri-La Hotel of Sydney include – complementary shoeshine service, laundry and valet service, express check-in and check-out services and courier or postal service (Buhalis & Crotts, 2013). On the other hand, the facilities that are provided by Shangri-La Hotel of Sydney include – conference facilities, business centre, facilities for the physically challenged people, non-smoking rooms, hospitality lounge, safe deposit box and parking facilities (Testa & Sipe, 2012). The organization Shangri-La Hotel of Sydney also provides facilities and services regarding child care, travel and transportation, food and beverages and shops. Therefore, it can be said that the management of Shangri-La Hotel of Sydney delivers a world-class hospitality service to all its guests.    

Identification of problems in Shangri-La Hotel

It has been found that within the particular organization Shangri-La Hotel of Sydney, the high rate of turnover is the key problem. Detailed analysis of the present situation of the particular organization Shangri-La Hotel identifies that due to resignation of large numbers of staffs or due to change in positions of the employees and staffs in the Hotel, it can be said that the rate of turnover within the firm has been raised (Okumus, 2013). Therefore, it can be said that to find out the reasons regarding the resignation of the employees or staffs of the firm and/ or change in the position or designation of the employees or staffs of the hotel is an essential factor. Thus, development of program for the managers is an essential factor in order to discover the causes for which the staffs and employees of the firm leave the organization. Therefore, it can be said that the training and motivation of the employees and staffs of the firm is needed for the development of the current situation of the organization Shangri-La Hotel. From the detailed analysis, it can be said that the rate of turnover in the particular organization Shangri-La Hotel is high due to poor management system (Raj & Griffin, 2015). It has also been found that the company as well as the management of the particular organization is unable to meet the expectation of the employees. Therefore, the rate of turnover within the organization increases with the passage of time. In addition to this, it has also been found that the human resource managers of the organization Shangri-La Hotel is unable to select the right people for the right place at the time of hiring people. Therefore, it has been found that the rate of turnover has constantly increased with the passage of time (Sigala et al., 2012).            

Solutions to the problems in Shangri-La Hotel

The main problem that has been found within the organization Shangri-La Hotel is the high rate of employee turnover. Therefore, several solutions to the particular problem can be provided to the management department of the organization Shangri-La Hotel. Firstly, the human resource management should provide training to its employees in order to help the particular firm Shangri-La Hotel to decrease the rate of employee turnover (Sisson & Adams, 2013). Secondly, it has been found that large number of staffs leave the organization Shangri-La Hotel and look for job in some other places. Therefore, the management of Shangri-La Hotel should research the facts and causes due to which the present employees of the firm leave the organization. According to the analysis, the management of Shangri-La Hotel should implement those factors that are in demand in order to retain the existing employees and also to reduce the rate of employee turnover within the organization (Poutier & Fyall, 2013). Thirdly, the management of the organization Shangri-La Hotel should develop some incentive program in order to retain the existing numbers of staffs within the organization and also to have better opportunities for them. Fourthly, the communication that is both the horizontal and vertical communications among the staffs of the firm and among the staffs and the management department of the organization should be transparent and direct (Brown, Arendt & Bosselman, 2014). This will help to avoid any miscommunication and confusion among the employees of the organization and also between the managers and the staffs of the firm. Fifthly, the human resource managers should examine all its employees and differentiate between their actual performance and standard performance and on the basis of the deviation in their performances; the human resource managers should arrange for training and should also motivate the employees. This will also help the organization to meet its aims and objectives. Lastly, the management should listen to the demands of the employees and should try to fulfill them in order to retain the existing employees (Walker, 2016). In addition to these, the management should reward its employees for their better performances as this will encourage and motivate the employees of the organization. The management of the firm should also provide incentives and should also pay extra money for working for an extra hour (Harrington et al., 2014). All these will encourage and motivate the employees of the organization Shangri-La Hotel and thus it will also help the firm to fulfill its aims and objectives.         

Implementation of Suggested Solutions

Feasibility study

A feasibility study implies whether a project can be completed successfully or not. In this report, the issues of the particular organization Shangri-La Hotel have been identified and in order to solve these problems, a few solutions to them have been suggested. Therefore, the aim of this feasibility analysis is to understand that whether the proposed solutions to all the problems within the organization are feasible or not. The implementation of the proposed solutions can be done through – questionnaire surveys, cross-training and various incentive programs like dinner, holiday and vouchers (Brotherton, 2012). The questionnaire survey will help the management of the organization Shangri-La Hotel to understand its employees and their demands (Tasci et al., 2014). As per the demand of the employees, the management of the organization can arrange for rewards, incentives or extra pay for working an extra hour. A survey helps to understand the mind of the employees and this also helps to distinguish between the positive and negative concepts of the employees regarding the operation and regulation of the business. There are various advantages that the management of the firm Shangri-La Hotel can gain by implementing the questionnaire survey within the organization. These include – firstly, the practical knowledge and thinking of the employees of the organization can be better understood. This will help the human resource managers to implement the new strategies within the operation and regulation of the firm (Pizam, 2013). Secondly, the questionnaire survey will help the organization Shangri-La Hotel to collect large amount of information from a large number of people within a short duration and also relatively in a cost effective manner. In addition to this, positivists believe that the data which is collected from the questionnaire survey can also be used to develop new theories and also to examine the present hypothesis (Van der Wagen & Goonetilleke, 2015). Cross-training is an important factor for improving the performance of the team as it helps in improving the proficiency levels of the employees of the organization in roles outside their present responsibilities (Brotherton, 2013). This also helps in cost savings, replacement of workers also helps to sustain the production level of the team. In addition to this, it also helps the organization Shangri-La Hotel to improve the team performance by cross-training that should consider the factors like return on investment (Kang et al., 2016). On the basis of these, the suggested solutions can be implemented within the organization Shangri-La Hotel. In addition to this, the suggested solutions should also be implemented through various incentive programs like holiday, dinner and vouchers (Lashley et al., 2014). All these help to implement the suggested solutions within the operation and regulation of the organization Shangri-La Hotel.                          


According to me, staff turnover is major problem pertaining in the Shangri-La Hotel. I would like to share the fact that staff members working at Shangri-La Hotel are resigning at faster pace and this is increasing the attrition rate largely. This means that staff members are losing interest and less-motivated in working for Shangri-La Hotel. I found out from the above analysis that the higher management does not treat staff members properly and low salaries that leads to high staff turnover rate in the near future. I found various problems that are encountered in Shangri-La Hotel including lack of motivation in the staff members by the top authority. In my opinion, skilled, talented as well as experienced employees considers as key to lasting success of Shangri-La Hotel. Employee retention is another factor that should be undertaken by Shangri-La Hotel for attainment of future goals and objectives. Shangri-La Hotel should aim keeping existing staff members and consider as top priority. Losing employee can be termed as major problem because Shangri-La Hotel loses talent as well as experience staff members. A newly recruited employee involves high cost on recruiting as well as training replacement on an adverse manner.

I would like to recommend that staff members working at Shangri-La Hotel should be given training sessions. These training sessions will help in understanding the employee grievances by the higher management and suggest probable solutions at the same time. Top-level management at Shangri-La Hotel can even give incentive program for extra work kept for staff members. It is important to consider the fact that both monetary and non-monetary rewards can prove effective for the staff member working at Shangri-La Hotel.

According to me, staff members should be evaluated on weekly basis and given rewards and recognition at the same time. Monetary rewards include holiday plan, vouchers for dinner or movie. On the contrary, non-monetary rewards include appreciation letter duly signed by the CEO of company of Shangri-La Hotel. It also includes keeping picture of the best employee in the hotel bulletin board on monthly basis. These types of rewards prove beneficial for the staff members and motivate them more to work at Shangri-La Hotel.

I feel that Shangri-La Hotel should make effort in conduct transparent communication whereby employees have the freedom to give their feedback and grievances. The management at Shangri-La Hotel should welcome all types of feedback and family issues should be taken into consideration. It is for this reason that some of the issues remain unanswered by the management, as staff member’s gets scared in voicing for their rights. Implementation of such monetary and non-monetary rewards will motivate staff members in becoming real asset to the Shangri-La Hotel and reduce in the staff turnover rates as far as possible. Work environment proves as one of the main reason leading to reduced staff member rates. Healthy work environment will make staff members working more and having helping attitude in time of need at work.

Theoretical Concepts

“Theoretical Concepts on Motivation theories and Employee Turnover”

Employee motivation theories mainly attempts in creating models for understanding facts what motivates people to push their performance at work. Well-informed managers familiarize themselves by using wide-range of motivational theories employing mix of various approaches on supervising the employees (Schunk et al., 2012). Effective employee motivation helps in increasing in the level of productivity as well as loyalty in putting these theories into place and leads towards increased employee turnover.

“Management by Objectives”

This particular theory on Management on Objectives enhances on the premises that goals and objectives motivate employees. Managers at Shangri-La Hotel follows MBA philosophy involves staff members in strategic decision-making process (Nuttin, 2014). It involves most innovative as well as internal-driven employees that likely to provide little or no opportunity in case of strategic units.

“Theory X and Theory Y”

In this particular assignment, theory X and theory Y can be implemented for Shangri-La Hotel. This particular theory represents two opposing ends in case of motivation spectrum. In case of theory X, it involves premises whereby employees are averse towards work as well as requires constant motivation from external potential sources. On the contrary, theory Y involves idea whereby employees can be internally motivated at workplace. This fulfils ways in obtaining goals for using skills as well as experience. Application on this theory on present theory will improve in the work-setting conditions as well as specific employees in dealing with it (Wood, 2013).

“Hierarchy of Needs”

The above theory places employees needs in five progressive categories namely basic physical needs, progressive needs for career growth and development (Lester, 2013). In order to reduce in staff turnover rate, staff members should be given facilities in meeting each level for attainment of workplace goals.

“Expectancy Theory”

This particular theory involves staff members whereby amount of work as well as commitment equals with expected return. As far as commission compensation structure is concerned, this theory allows staff members in earning as much of resources they desire based upon job performance (Certo, 2015).

The above theory used by the researcher will help in gathering facts that will help in strategize possible solutions for high turnover rates at Shangri-La Hotel. Shangri-La Hotel management should use the most appropriate theories in retaining its existing staff members. It is because retention of existing staff members are cost effective in comparison with recruitment of new staff members at Shangri-La Hotel (Köseoğlu et al., 2016). New recruited staff members require induction and training session that is cost to the management.

Ethical Issues

In the particular project, there were several ethical issues identified by the researcher. One of the ethical dilemmas faced by the researcher lies whereby layoffs should take into consideration and controlled at maximum level (Baker & Magnini, 2016). In real-life situations, project mainly identifies that Shangri-La Hotel should be make ways in dealing for socially responsible operations. Shangri-La Hotel should follow the rules and regulations on staff retention policies so that they do not face any kind of ethical issues in the near future. This particular project carries out in proper form by keeping the necessary ethical issues on the project title on Shangri-La Hotel. The project is carried out after correct authentic data for completing the research on Shangri-La Hotel staff turnover rates (Assen et al., 2016). Researcher should be carrying ethical methods for the research work in the upcoming financial year.

It is important to understand the fact that secondary sources used in the project should be ethical in nature. Previous work can be analyzed by the researcher but cannot copy their work fully in any form. These practices will be considered under unethical practices and lead to cancellation of the project at the same time. On analysis, it is noticed that staff members faces issues with poor working condition at Shangri-La Hotel. Shangri-La Hotel should obey the law that is written in favor of staff members working in any business organization (Hausknecht & Holwerda, 2013). Staff members have rights to get basic amenities as well as healthy work condition whereby they are free to work as long as possible. Ethical issues prevailing in Shangri-La Hotel involves high employee turnover and this have severe impact on business in both financially and emotional terms. Steps should be taken to recognize the possible causes for turnover as well as measure turnover rate determining turnover costs at the same time. Shangri-La Hotel should identify the positive aspects of business and emphasize on those aspects whereby staff members should have job security. Replacing workers is an expensive affair for Shangri-La Hotel. Shangri-La Hotel should conduct training activities for bringing changes in the overall level of performance in the most appropriate way (Mitchell et al., 2015).

Shangri-La Hotel should find ways in hiring right people from the start, as it is the ethical way in reduce the high turnover rates in the upcoming years. There is wide-variety of factors identified that is the real cause behind employee turnover. This involves poor management, poor hiring decisions as well as failure in meeting employee expectations as required. Staff members at Shangri-La Hotel should be treated by giving healthy work conditions and basic amenities in ethical ways. This project process brings many problems in association with high employee turnover at Shangri-La Hotel.

Lessons Learnt

In this particular project, I gathered facts regarding the real causes behind high staff turnover rates at Shangri-La Hotel. I was excited and happy that I was given the opportunity to handle this type of project. I understood that staff members were not interested in working for Shangri-La Hotel due to poor management. According to me, Shangri-La Hotel should motivate its staff members for staying ad working diligently. Management should try to explain the benefits given in favor of staff members so that they are pride in working for Shangri-La Hotel. Higher salaries and lucrative benefits will motivate staff members in comparison with other same sector business organization. Management of Shangri-La Hotel should explain regarding varied opportunities for growth as well as development working for the hotel during the life span.

I would like to recommend that supervisors should show respect for the staff members and conduct appreciation as well recognition medium. Management at Shangri-La Hotel should make ways for increasing in the retention rates. Shangri-La Hotel should provide competitive benefits packages to the staff members such as salary, vacation as well as flexible working conditions and healthcare. Addition to that, Shangri-La Hotel should offer frequent team building exercises for increasing employee engagement at the most possible way.

I gained knowledge on staff turnover and methods used in retaining the existing staff members at work. It was interesting in collecting data and reading various methods for applying in real-life situations at the same time. I would like to suggest that empowering employees in final decision-making process. This makes staff members feel valued in the business organization for desired skills as well as core competencies. Suggestions from staff members lead to engaging them in value decisions and giving them authority for smooth functioning of business organization. It is recommended in encouraging two-way communication between leaders as well as staff members. Shangri-La Hotel should share information that mainly qualifies for making operational or financial decisions. Any transition or changes implemented by business organization should inform to the staff members before hand. Business organization aims at profit maximization with minimum resource utilization and cost minimization. In order to achieve this, staff members and labor force is must for achieving the required success and profit rate in the upcoming financial years. Existing staff members working at Shangri-La Hotel has information that will help in performing the job in better way. When these staff members resign, their personal knowledge as well as skill will also depart from them and company will leave with incurring on training new staff members. In the entire project, Shangri-La Hotel was taken into consideration and I needed to search for nearest competitors for fathering facts on their part as well. I received constant guidance from my faculty members in every step of this project. We were allowed to ask any type of questions from the faculty members in case of any doubt identified in the process. Last but not the least, continuous support from family and friends who believed in me that I would complete this project work successfully.

Limitation of work

Researcher faced certain limitations in the project process on Shangri-La Hotel. Due to time constraint, it was difficult for the researcher in conducting in-depth analysis on the present study. Lack of adequate financial resources had restricted the researcher in adopting expensive tools and techniques approach (Xu & Gursoy, 2015). Most of the time, it happen that Shangri-La Hotel management shows no interest in disclosing company information on staff members. This may hamper the research study largely.

Process to overcome Limitations

Research limitations should be overcome in the future work by the particular researcher. Researcher should associate more time for the particular project process from their busy schedule (Lashley et al., 2014). Detailed analysis on any of the matters for project process is necessary for bringing authenticity of information. Researchers can even get sponsor, help from other researchers, and adopt expensive tools as well as techniques on staff turnover rates at Shangri-La Hotel. Secondary sources are used in the project from authentic websites as well as academic journals for avid any discrepancy in the final research. This project process has the ability in bringing out real causes behind the staff turnover rates at Shangri-La Hotel and provides probable solutions (Brotherton, 2012). The researcher in its future work can avoid limitations, as the researcher will learn from their past mistakes.


Therefore, it can be concluded that the hospitality, event or tourism management is an important aspect for any organization. From the detailed analysis, the problems of an organization of the tourism industry named Shangri-La Hotel have been identified. It has been found that the particular organization Shangri-La Hotel has an important issue regarding the high rate of employee turnover. The detailed analysis implies that there are various reasons due to which the rate of employee turnover increased within the particular organization, this includes – poor management system. It has also been found that the company as well as the management of the particular organization is unable to meet the expectation of the employees. Therefore, the rate of turnover within the organization increases with the passage of time. In addition to this, it has also been found that the human resource managers of the organization Shangri-La Hotel is unable to select the right people for the right place at the time of hiring people. Therefore, it can be concluded that the management should put emphasis on these negativities and should convert all the negativities into positives. This can be done by the human resource managers by providing training to the employees of the organization Shangri-La Hotel. In addition to this, the management can initiate many incentive programs that would provide the employees with various opportunities and would also motivate them to enhance their performances. Therefore, the human resource managers should implement all the proposed solutions through the methods of questionnaire, survey, cross-training and various incentive programs like – dinner, holiday and vouchers. Moreover, it can also be said that this project has enhanced me with practical knowledge regarding the importance of implementing the hospitality management within an organization.  

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