Infection Control and Prevention Level

Discuss about the Infection Control and Prevention Level.

Research Critique

Research critique is concerned with content evaluation of the research reports critically as well as objectively. It is carried out for a number of reasons, for example, when a research paper is all set to be published and for commenting on the research wok prior to publication. In few cases, it assists the emerging scholars in gaining experience, learning and developing the skills of research (Valentin et al., 2006). A research critique focuses on the aspects of study and it is concerned with the evaluation of the study through researchers by the process of analysis (Fothergill & Lipp, 2014). This essay aims to analyze critically the two research articles involving qualitative and quantitative study respectively. For each study, a critical analysis will be performed. The essay will also define and explain the term “research critique”. In addition, this essay will provide a brief summary and will analyze the research design through literature review and discussions in the article.

Research critique involves the content evaluation of the research reports critically as well as objectively. It encompasses identifying a problem, searching for precise questions, studying the approaches theoretically and analytically, and reviewing the findings along with the importance (Clarke & Collier, 2015). A research critique’s summary is the personal analysis and assessment of research articles by the author (Hay, A. (2006). The set-up cannot be the same that a research critique encompasses only errors in a report; relatively it may be primarily positive (Fawcett & Garity, 2009). It assists to analyze the strength and weakness of a specific research paper. An efficient researcher searches for the specific aspects of the study (Jeffery & Pickler, 2014). A  Critique also helps in the identification of any unrelated information, repetitions, grammatical errors and an overall style of writing (Sturm & Antonakis, 2015).  For each of the article, a summary will be provided in the subsequent segments.

Summary of the 1st article

The first article titled, “Barriers to nurses’ adherence to central venous catheter guidelines” by Jeffery & Pickler (2014), is a research study aimed for the identification of the barriers relatd to the nursing practice to adhere with the the standard practices of care for “Central Venous Catheters (CVCs). A description and qualitative research method has been used by the researcher. An approach for understanding the opinion of the respondent about the identified issue has been used by the researcher. For this pilot study, the respondents were the nurses of the Midwest Hospital who provide care to the patient’s with CVCs. In this study, a sample of ten registered nurses were chosen in which there were two male nurses and 8 female nurses having an experience of two years in this particular field. Audio-recorded interview has been conducted for the nurses, which lasted for two hours. For analyzing the data, Coloaizzi method has been applied. The barrier for adhering to the practices of the care for CVCs encompasses the limitations of the nurses that lead to errors has been revealed by the research findings.

Summary of the 2nd article

In the second article critique that “A comparative evaluation of antimicrobial-coated versus nonantimicrobial coated peripherally inserted central catheters on associated outcomes: A randomized controlled trial” by Storey et al., (2016). This study is concerned with the enhanced infection rates caused by CVCs as for e.g. “Central line-associated bloodstream infections (CLABSIs)”. This study aimed for comparing the impact of “chlorhexidine (CHG)-impregnated versus non-CHG peripherally inserted central catheters (PICCs) on the risk of CLABSI”. The research has been carried out in the Midwest hospital. The sample populations of this study comprised the patients who were selected and placed with PICC line in the body. For this study, a sample size of 167 was taken into considered in a random manner. The data which was collected was analyzed through statistical methods (Shapiro-Wilk test, IBM SPSS statistics, Fisher exact tests and the Mann-Whitney U test).

General Credibility (Compulsory section)

The general credibility concerning the method of research can be stated in a manner that it evidently investigated the research aim of the study. The hypothesis or research aim has been clearly investigated by the research process. The findings have produced a credible understanding of the research aim or hypothesis. It is evident from the fact that the researchers have established a clear and consistent association between the findings of the study and research aim. The study aimed for investigating the impact of both the PICC lines on the arising of problems and the findings of the study revealed no significant differences between both the lines leading the development of problems. These indicate the logic that has been maintained in ghe research by the researchers in the two studies has provided a consistent understanding concerning the research aim with the purpose of the interventions for establishing the reearcch hypotheses.

Background (Optional Section)

The background information that has been provided in these research articles by the authors with respect to the identified issues is adequate. An existing knowledge gap in the practices of nursing with respect to the non-adherence of guidelines of CVC together with the cognitive stress, which the nurse experiences, has been reviewed by these studies. The qualitative and quantitative research study has attempted in identifying and explaining these issues as expectations of the physicians, environmental of the hospital and the methods of instruction are worthy for research. The identified problems have been directly related by the literature review. Not only, have the researchers provided the summary of the appropriate research findings of the previous publications but the weakness and strengths has also been analyzed. In addition, the gap in the existing knowledge and understanding has also been highlighted. An evident association has been established between the studies and the former outcomes of research have been established by the researcher. The researchers while investigating the results effectively has provided a clear discussion. These studies made a contribution in understanding the personal limitations of the nurses as a factor to prevent quality care. The aim of these studies has been fulfilled successfully by the findings and has been discovered to be consistent in comparison to the studies that are similar. This represents the strength of the studies. These are also discovered harmonizing the current literature and furthermore it has added additional information from the nurses. It has revealed the drawback of these studies which is its site and size of the sample. It advocates that the adherence of guidelines can be stimulated through the organization by the adoption of electronic health system record along with the engagement of the with the informatics team. An additional research by the experienced nurses for identifying the barriers and facilitators for adhering to the guidelines of safe practice has been implied by this study. A rationale has been provided by the findings for a system to develop in the future for measuring the importance of each of these barriers in a healthcare organization, for instance, finding the simple ways for adhering to the guidelines. In the second article critique that “A comparative evaluation of antimicrobial-coated versus nonantimicrobial coated peripherally inserted central catheters on associated outcomes: A randomized controlled trial” by Storey et al., (2016). This study is concerned with the enhanced infection rates caused by CVCs as for e.g. “Central line-associated bloodstream infections (CLABSIs)”. This study aimed for comparing the impact of “chlorhexidine (CHG)-impregnated versus non-CHG peripherally inserted central catheters (PICCs) on the risk of CLABSI”. The research has been carried out in the Midwest hospital. The sample populations of this study comprised the patients who were selected and placed with PICC line in the body. For this study, a sample size of 167 was taken into considered in a random manner. The data which was collected was analyzed through statistical methods (Shapiro-Wilk test, IBM SPSS statistics, Fisher exact tests and the Mann-Whitney U test). It has been revealed by the research findings that there has been a non-significant dissimilarity among CHG or non-CHG PICC line inserted patients with respect to VTE noted or CLABSI.  

Research Design (Optional Section)

In the first article by Jeffrey and Pickler (2014), it has been established that the design of the research has not been explained clearly together with the investigational part. The researcher of this study has identified that the nurses were not able to adhere with the guidelines and standard care practices. This study has created a reliable understanding of the aim of the researche through the results that have been obtained from the qualitative and quantitative study that demonstrated that the limitation of the nurses resulted in noncompliance to with the guidelines and standard care practices. The authors of these studies have provided a consistent association between the research aim, background, discussion and conclusion. From the results of these studies, there is a lack of alternate explanations that can be interpreted. In these pilot studies, the introduction part that has been provided outlines clearly the increased error- rates in the practices of nursing while managing patient care. In the hospitals, it led to a rise in the death rate. Consequently, the researchers in these studies intend to understand the aspects that cause the nurses to diverge from the standards of practice in providing care to the patients.

In the Second article by Storey et al., (2016), the researchers have presented a clear understanding. For the healthcare providers, these topics are significant to understand and reduce the medical errors for improving the clinical outcomes. This qualitative and quantitative study means that more research is required for identifying the factors that affect the errors. It has been discovered in these research articles that the researchers has clearly investigated and presented the aim of the researches. The results have been associated with the objectives that reveal that there is no dissimilarity in VTE and CLABSI development in the patients with PICC line. An evident understanding of the research aim has been provided by the findings. In these studies, the authors have provided a consistent association between research aim, background, discussion and conclusion. The researchers have sufficiently discussed all the aspects of analysis in a logical manner. It can be reflected in the method of stratified sampling, exclusion and inclusion strategy that has been applied in these studies.

Discussion (Optional section)

In the first article by Jeffrey and Pickler (2014), the study evidently outline the enhanced complication rates related to CVCs that result in VTE and CLABSI. Hence, the researchers aim for understanding the effects on these infections by using PPC lines with or without CHG. For the healthcare providers, the topic of these research articles is significant because it helps to understand and minimize the infections that are associated with catheter, and improving the outcomes of the patient. An implication for more intense research in the future has been stressed due to the literature gaps in these areas. It evidently rationalizes the undertaking of these studies. The findings of the researches encourage the researcher for exploring the additional causative factors of the infections that are associated with catheter and developing instruments for reducing it (Jeffery & Pickler, 2014).

In the second article by Storey et al.  (2016), the background of the study contains inadequate information regarding the problem. The weakness of this study is that the author (Storey et al., 2016) has not done the examination of relevant literature linked with the subject of study. It is unable to provide an integrated review regarding the weaknesses and strengths of the reviewed literature. Nonetheless, the discussions are directly associated with the investigated problems in this study. The development of understanding in the problem areas has been contributed by thee explicit discussion of the research findings. The aim of the researches has been fulfilled by results of this study. The authorsdid not suggest anything as likelihood for research in future. A rationale for additional research with varying issues in these problem areas has been provided by this study.

Application to New Zealand Context

These two studies by Jeffery & Pickler (2014) and Storey et al., (2016), are significant in improving the profession of nursing in New Zealand. The healthcare organizations can use the findings of these quantitative and qualitative studies for improving the quality of care provided to the patients (Fitzgerald, 2012). In order to adhere with the guidelines of management of CVCs, the nurses need to work hard since they are aware regarding the barriers for implementing an evidence-based protocol (Vasudevan, Oddie & McGuire, 2016). These two studies are optimistic to reduce the clinical errors. It has been observed from the research paper of Jun et al., (2016) and Howarth et al., (2016) that the existing practices significantly differ from the guideline of CD. The results were gathered by means of a comparative study of “medical and nursing management of CVC” between Australia and New Zealand. Hence, it is essential that the nursing and senior medical staff members evaluate the guidelines for ensuring that the best evidence is made available. The knowledge of the nurses can be enhanced by the betterment of the consistency with the development of a model, which can ensure that the patients receive evidenced based interventions (Fawcett & Garity, 2009).

Conclusion (Compulsory section)

To conclude, this assignment helped me in enhancing my skills to critically analyze research articles. The critical analysis of the provided research articles underlines the existing problem in the management of CVCs. It improved my knowledge regarding the non-adherence to the guidelines by the nurses along with enhanced infections because of PPC lines coated with antimicrobial agent. A rationale for future research in this area has been provided by this study. The aims and objectives of research has been effectively fulfilled by these two articles and aims to assist the healthcare sector to implement a positive change for delivering better facilities of care to the patient in an efficient manner.


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