Abolish Slavery in America
Today, I want to share not only about my dream but also about the whole community of color people, to make it come true. Let me mention this first, Thomas Jefferson did write, “All men are created equal their Creator endows them with certain inalienable Rights among these are Life, Liberty, and pursuit of Happiness…” It was in the Declaration of Independence of the United States in 1776. It means everyone on earth has the right to life and freedom from the day they first cried.
However, I am still questioning why slavery still exists until now while that being said in 1776. What exactly is the human right to them? Are they being treated contrary to the Declaration of Independence? Dear fellow citizen in the court today, Have you ever wish for your kid a better life in the future? a life with no slavery? A life that black, white, or others are just the colors on their skins? Where can everyone live together, happy, and free?
I ask myself this question every night, over and over again before I dream for a beautiful of a freedom country:” Why do I have to stand up and fight for abolishing slavery? Even though I have spent my entire life studying politics and history, the fact that I can not approve is that our residents are giving them a right to ownership of a person.
They hold many lives and treat them just like cattle. A man, woman, or even a child that all they dream is one time in their life to know the feeling of being free were possess and abuse.
These people flagrantly violate the ideal of humanity and equality. In the economic term, It is easy to see that slavery has an impact on the economy in many different ways, especially in South America. To illustrate, Thomas Jefferson, who was the author of the Declaration of Independence, obtained more than 600 black slaves of his entire life, and his life was surrounded by full of luxury. The taxes from the government on slavery shipping and the number of slaves of the owners remained the superior business due to its massive profits towards not only the economic system in the United States but also many other countries in need of slave as labor at that time(Finkelman 57). The salve suffered from full of misery and pain during the time that slaves are thought to be a massive part of developing the economy of the modern world, especially South America. Secondly, in the field of politics, many countries in general and states in America, in particular, are pioneering in preventing slavery. To illustrate, on July/13/1787, the Northwest Ordinance officially declared a ban on slavery in areas such as the territory of Ohio, Mississippi Rivers, and the Great Lake.
Moreover, they also show determination to end slavery by treatment with those who act against this law with a crime, may be sentenced life imprisonment. Not at all, the Missouri Compromise also announced that Maine would be a state saying no to slave. With that in mind, what are our country expecting? Why does it take so long to abolish slavery and free us? Alternatively, racial prejudice has been intensifying. Our black never belong to this country. Are they living or just surviving in our land? In the field of culture, our culture has been neglected and forgotten, but instead, the slave trader forced us to integrate with the White culture. These works have violated the law of cultural preservation, and it is also seen as a war crime in the world.
After all, Do you feel a fire burning in the hearts of the souls held for many centuries? We are here today with the same purpose that is to get rip of this society’s vices and reported the evil behavior of the slaveholder. It was estimated that 10 million Africans were transported to the New World between 1492 and 1820, and more than half of them arrived between 1700 and 1800 (Foner 107). The percentage of slaves and cruelty slaveholder is increasing significantly. In the past, a lot of slaves tried to escape from their master control. Until now, Escaping was one of the very first and foremost forms of resistance, which resulted in other different expressions of slave’ alienation later (Foner 116). In order to abolish slavery, we have to be together. I strongly disagree with some activism using violence method to fight for ending this. What all I want is to encourage all of you to share your songs, poems, and other kinds of propaganda to the newspaper to extinguish slavery. Another solution that I think is practical is boycotting the slave trading business. There is an indisputable fact that slavery is considered legitimate in the US, and it brings many economic benefits. Two years ago, the Supreme Court’s Dred Scott decision declared blacks, free or slave, have no citizenship rights (Smith). The sound of Liberty for a slave has grown more dramatically than ever. Out there, there are more than a hundred of abolishers like me that are fighting for the freedom of the slave and all denounce the immoral evil of slavery every single day. The slave’s holder should be ashamed all about what they have done. The last summer of 1787, the government opened a meeting to assess the constitutional changes, but no one there has brave and humane enough to propose to abolish slavery. Therefore, I am here today not only to fix the shortcoming, but I also want to make America better and become the Democratic country which worth to live.
Dear friend, please take this little moment to think and imagine about the future of America with no more fighting for slave’s freedom. How worse would the country be? Will the future of our children worse than ever? I am right here to send the fire from those black people are fighting to you. When I saw my black people being oppressive, I was angry and blamed yourself that I had not done anything for them. The only thing I could do at that moment was advised them to try to endure to the day not far. I will change America and save them out of the control of the slaveholder. We have been suffering enough for other people. We have been crying enough for living a life without freedom. We have been facing the torture from the slaveholder. All my friend in here and out there, together, we can win this match. It is a time for us to get back what used to be our: our freedom, our child’s freedom, and our family’s freedom. We fight.