Advantages And Disadvantages Of The Louisiana Purchase

The Louisiana Purchase was a land deal between the United States and France in 1803. For $15 million, the United States purchased almost 828,000 square miles of land. The purchase of Louisiana is important because it gave the United States power of the Mississippi River and the port city of New Orleans. Both of these […]

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The Gilded Age: America’s Wealth and Industrialization

The gilded age and the progressive era were not concurrent but is the reason why one followed the other. In order to figure out why the progressive era became, we first have out why the gilded age formed. Both of these times in history played an important factor in the checks and balance system for […]

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The Gilded Age: Post-civil War Era

The gilded age is the period between 1870 and 1900 in the United States of America. Reconstruction era, last week and industrial America can also be considered as gilded age, but majorly it was post-civil war era when America became an industrial powerhouse. Therefore, the rise of industrialization encouraged urbanization, that is the movement of […]

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Сauses and Сonsequences of Great Depression

In the ten year span of the Great Depression, people were jumping from their windows in cities across the United States, committing suicide. The Great Depression happened in 1929 through 1939, they called it the Great Depression, because more than 9000 banks failed all around the world and it made living very tough. Through the […]

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The Great Economic Depression in Novel “The Grapes of Wrath”

The Great Economic Depression affected everyone, it affected countless people of all kinds of different backgrounds. It started out in America and spread to other countries around the world. It lasted from 1929-1939 and was one of the longest and deepest depressions of the 20th century. The Great Depression significantly influenced one writer, John Steinbeck. […]

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Magic in the Middle Ages

Try to imagine being prescribed to wear a dead man’s tooth for a toothache. The Middle Ages was a time when superstition and magic prevailed over the common and wealthy classes. People in this time period believed in magic. Preferring to use relics or the stars for medicine rather than taking medicine. This essay will […]

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The Magna Carta’s Influence on the U.S. Bill of Rights

The Magna Carta is broadly viewed as a standout amongst the most vital reports ever, and is viewed as being crucial to how law and equity is seen in nations everywhere throughout the world. Preceding the Magna Carta being made there was no standing point of confinement on imperial experts in England. This implied the […]

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The Impact of the Louisiana Purchase

The Louisiana Purchase was done in 1803 and it was a land arrangement between the United States and France. In that land agreement, about 827K miles of the land was acquired by the United States and it was located to the west of the Mississippi River for million. Thomas Jefferson only wanted the city of […]

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How Did Magna Carta Influence the American Bill of Rights

What is the Magna Carta and how is it important today? The Magna Carta was a document that the king was forced to sign. It took power away from the monarchy and gave more power to the people. The Magna Carta is important today, because it influenced the American Bill of Rights. In 1215 King […]

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American Civil War Memorial

Known as the “Lincoln’s Army In Park Memorial”, a physical installation which has been erected in the Gettysburg battlefield, Pennslyvania, people are in awe of the tall towerlike appearance with President Abraham Lincoln above which serves as a reminder of liberation. Together, this memorial strives to commemorate all of the Northern soldiers who took part […]

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