Ciompi Revolt
One of your final pieces of work for this course is a 4-6 page essay that deals with a topic in the course that does not get a lot of regular attention in traditional history courses. Your job is to choose a topic and then provide a 4-6 page written chronological narrative on the subject.
Your essay should start with the topic’s origins, and describe chronologically its existence. Example: if your topic is Alexander’s horse Bucephalus, you would begin by writing about the origins of Bucaphales, describe how he came to be Alexander’s horse, tell the story of his life, and conclude with his death.
All sources (minimum of 3) must be credible academic sources. For information on finding sources for essays, visit the Massasoit Library’s research guide page (Links to an external site.).
For this essay, keep in mind the following source requirements:
No more than one encyclopedia entry (this includes online and physical encyclopedias)
Academic journal articles are generally good
Try and find at least one book (either print or available online, through the library or elsewhere)
Bonus points for students who use at least one primary source. Note: the source must fit the subject. Points are awarded at the discretion of the Professor.
Length: 4-6 typed double-spaced pages
Submission Filetype: PDF
Font: Times New Roman
Font Size: 12 point
Line spacing: double
Margins: One-inch Margin
Sources: Academic and credible, at least 3
Citations: MLA or APA format (you choose)
1. The first step in the process is to choose a topic. You can choose your own, or select one from the list above. This will involve some preliminary research, and should take around one week. Be careful and thorough with your topic selection, as your choice should be final. Once you’ve selected your topic, you can begin the second step in the process.
2. The second step is the research phase. You’ll read primary source documents, secondary sources, view artwork, and whatever else you need to collect data on your topic. You should gather three credible sources in total, although more is acceptable. This should take around three weeks to a month. Once you’ve accomplished this, you can begin the third step.
3. The third step in the process is the writing process, and it comes after you’ve gathered your sources. You will synthesize your research into an essay, wherein you provide information about your topic using your research.
Criteria Ratings Pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeFORMAT
The essay should meet all the “Format” requirements as detailed in the assignment.
20.0 pts
16-20 points
The essay meets all ‘Format’ requirements
15.0 pts
10-15 points
The essay meets most of the format requirements, but misses in some areas.
9.0 pts
5-9 points
The essay misses most format requirements.
4.0 pts
0-4 points
The essay misses all format requirements
20.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeORGANIZATION
The structure of the essay should be:
20.0 pts
16-20 points
The content of the essay is organized chronologically and clearly.
15.0 pts
10-15 points
The content is organized well, although some elements are not presented in a clear order.
9.0 pts
5-9 points
The essay lacks coherent chronological structure, but some sections are presented clearly.
4.0 pts
0-4 points
Most of the essay is unclear and not structured chronologically.
20.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeCLARITY
The essay should be:
-Minimal grammatical errors
-Main points should be articulated clearly and succinctly
20.0 pts
16-20 points
The essay is clear and well-written, with minimal grammatical and spelling errors. The main points are articulated succinctly and precisely.
15.0 pts
10-15 points
The essay is clear and generally well-written; very few areas lack clarity.
9.0 pts
5-9 points
Significant portions of the essay are unclear; spell check and editing processes may not have occurred
4.0 pts
0-4 points
The majority of the essay is unclear, and/or significant parts are unreadable.
20.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeRESEARCH QUALITY
The resources used should be varied and credible.
20.0 pts
16-20 points
The resources used are credible.
15.0 pts
10-15 points
All but one resources is credible.
5.0 pts
5 points maximum
Only one resource used is credible.
0.0 pts
0 points maximum
No credible resources are used.
20.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeACCURACY
The information provided in the essay should be accurate.
20.0 pts
The essay presents accurate information.
15.0 pts
10-15 points
Most information is accurate; some areas may need citations; some areas may depend too much on writer’s opinion.
9.0 pts
5-9 points
Most information is unsourced or inaccurate. Some information appears valid.
4.0 pts
0-4 points.
The essay depends entirely on inaccurate information.
20.0 pts