Computer Technology
Write an essay on computer technology.
The introduction of computer technology goes back in the 1960s when the potential of digital education was first recognised because of Skinner’s teaching machine. As the 21st century is sailing through digital technology is becoming more and more important and dominant in the classroom. Textbooks are getting replaced by tablets, smart phones are helping in the researches, and social media is providing a platform to discuss homework (Herold, 2011).
Academic success for a student is not only mastering the areas of the subjects he or she is studying but also in refining and developing their expertise in critical thinking, problem-solving, creativity, collaboration, and communication. Recent researches and studies have shown that how digital technology has enhanced the literacy development level by providing greater access to the information. This essay focuses on the collaboration of the digital technology in the academic success of students. This will be supported with the help of two points that future lies in the hands of digital technology and access to the knowledge and information makes studies easier and fun (Morningstar, 2011).
How Digital Technology help in Academic Success?
Digital technology is essential to use as the future lies in the hand of technology. In general, students indicate that using digital technology in classroom will help them in preparing for the digital future. Firstly, at various places where digital components were not in use in the past is having them as an essential component now (Cox, 2013). Future is not in pen and paper or text-books, one should be familiar with digital technology to gain the endless knowledge provided by the technology. Secondly, Education is not just memorizing facts and figure; it’s about correlating oneself with practical knowledge with an example to follow. In students opinion technology helps them better in retaining information. According to a study conducted on eighteen students who were asked to prepare a power point presentation on animals. Sixteen out of eighteen students passed the knowledge test without any hassle (Cox, 2013). This shows that digital technology actually helps students in remembering their information better. And if a student is retaining his study material better than his understanding of the subject will also increase. Today, digital technology gives more knowledge to the student and that too quickly more than ever before. The level of exposure that technology gives to a student a text-book can never give. It is also an innovative an interesting format to teach and for students to study.
Easy and quick access to the knowledge and information make studies easier and fun. Students prefer using technology while studying as it helps them gaining more knowledge and that too in a very less time. Firstly, smart phones technology is now easily and readily available in the lecture room, and this makes the students access the most updated knowledge and information much quicker and easier ever than before. A survey conducted in the year 2012 with the teachers regarding their opinion of using technology tools in a class and issues they face due to that. When the result came than more than sixty percent of them, have no issues with the use of technology tools in the class because according to them these tools actually help the students rather than creating any problem. Most of them told that more ninety percent of the students are using technology in different ways to research, study, understand, and complete their course and assignments (Neilson, 2016). According to Lisa Neilson, using technology by students is for learning purpose only as it is done through a text-book, but the ways of learning are new which they could not do before. Secondly, there is more deep thought with the use of technology happening here than what it was without technology. As of now students are not only handing their work to a single audience: the teacher. There work getting published on a digital platform for the whole world to see, read, give comments, and feedback. Students are not bounded with the limited knowledge provided by the text-books. They can explore image, video, virtual explanation of theories, and procedures of problem-solving formulas which they can watch as many times to properly understand the concept (Neilson, 2016). Everyone knows that technology can provide the access to resources, and information far beyond than what a school can ever offer. So, one should never limit the learning possibilities as it will prove advantageous only (Herold, 2011).
Digital Technology expands the horizon of exploration for students to grab as much knowledge one can grab from it. As the saying says, a person never stops learning in the same way by the use of digital technology there is no end of learning. Digital Technology does not bound the student’s thought into just a few words, where as it helps them to think critically, watch, understand and then express oneself to the world with knowledge gained by them. Technology is where future lies as with the time everything will get digitalised, so it is necessary that students get prepared for that from the first day. Digital technology makes learning fun and easy which help a student to understand the concept better and if a student understands the concept than he will use it for a proper result which is the ultimate goal of academics. Hence, it is concluded that digital technology does lead a student towards academic success. Its usage should be valued and enhanced in the classroom to gain the best out of it in a fun and easy way for students (Lytle, 2011).
Herold, B. (2011). Technology in Education: An Overview – Education Week. [online] Available at: [Accessed 29 May 2016].
Kirkwood, A. and Price, L. (2013). Technology-enhanced learning and teaching in higher education: what is ‘enhanced’ and how do we know? A critical literature review. Learning, Media and Technology, 39(1), pp.6-36.
Lytle, R. (2011). Study: Emerging Technology Has Positive Impact in Classroom. [online] US News & World Report. Available at: [Accessed 29 May 2016].
Cox, J. (2013). Tenured Teachers & Technology Integration In The Classroom. Contemporary Issues in Education Research (CIER), 6(2), p.209.
Morningstar, K. (2011). Book Review: Brave New Digital Classroom Technology and Foreign Language Learning. CALICO Journal, 28(2), pp.569-570.
Neilson, L. (2016). Does Technology Belong in Classroom Instruction?. [online] The Wall Street Journal. Available at: http://YES: New Tools Let Students Learn More, and More Deeply By Lisa Nielsen [Accessed 4 Jun. 2016].
Stieler-Hunt, C. and Jones, C. (2015). Educators who believe: understanding the enthusiasm of teachers who use digital games in the classroom. Research in Learning Technology, pp. Vol-23(0).
Wainwrite, A. (2016). 10 Reasons Today’s Students Need Technology in the Classroom. [online] Available at: [Accessed 3 Jun. 2016].
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