Digital Storytelling and Global Media
Discuss about the Digital Storytelling and Global Media.
Implications of global for Students
The global media have witnessed massive transformation in the past few years. The university classrooms are dependent on the global media tools (Giroux, 2016). They are increasingly becoming dependent on the information flow and the data forms presented by the media (Giroux, 2016). The new tools of interactions like blogs, social networking and others are a boon to the students, however, there are several ill effects of the digital information too.
There are many advantages of the digital media that are quite evident. The students can ask meaningful questions as they are enlightened by the digital media (Hayles, 2012). This would create an interesting discussion in the class. It leads to the social skills development of the students (Hayles, 2012). They can refer to important concepts anytime and anywhere. They can seek answers to the every possible question that come in their mind.
The new media can cause a disastrous effect on the teaching procedures and for students. The students are increasingly depending on the media for the purpose of memorizing, noting down and recalling the vital information (Ohler, 2013). The digital information sources have enabled them to take the learning casually. They do not bother to remember important lessons in academics as they heavily rely on their gadgets. They have also lost the urge to find new information from new sources after extensive research. The information is presented to them in a matter of seconds and hence they tend to forget them easily (Ohler, 2013). The meaning of real learning is lost in this digital age. It is well known that an easily acquired thing slowly loses its significance. The same holds true for academic learning too. The students can instantly analyze, sort, criticize and discuss key learnings without getting actually involved in the process (Ohler, 2013). The focus has shifted from evaluation of the learning of basic concepts to mere technological tools of analysis such as multiple choice questions. The online media can do these things for the students without any need for the students to utilize their thinking abilities.
The mass media have also affected the behavioural aspects of the students too. It has increased the aggressive attitude of the students as they are getting easy access to everything. It causes a detrimental effect on the values, beliefs and individual principles. The student life is a period of developing one’s own personality and character (Baltes & Schaie, 2013). The digital media is causing a barrier in the development of the true personality of the students. The mass media have glorified the negative behaviour among the youth in the classroom, which is very disturbing (Baltes & Schaie, 2013). The mass media has encouraged a biased educational approach in which there is limited scope of learning. The students often get distracted due to the media. They start to focus on things that are not relevant to their studies. This is not only affecting the career of the student but it also creates difficulties for the teachers.
Baltes, P. B., & Schaie, K. W. (Eds.). (2013). Life-span developmental psychology: Personality and socialization. Elsevier.
Giroux, H. A. (2016). Beyond the spectacle of terrorism: Global uncertainty and the challenge of the new media. Routledge.
Hayles, N. K. (2012). How we think: Digital media and contemporary technogenesis. University of Chicago Press.
Ohler, J. B. (2013). Digital storytelling in the classroom: New media pathways to literacy, learning, and creativity. Corwin Press. is
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