Essay 1
1)I would need the outline first by 02/14/21
2) summary by 02/20/21 in which
-Use the thesis and key points in your outline to write the summary of the articles,summaries, outlines, and the differences between quoting, paraphrasing, and summarizing. Don’t retell the content, but rather condense it in your own words. Cover all the key points, not only those that interest you. Do not include supporting details.
use very few quotes, but lots of paraphrases, so don’t forget your citations. Once you have noted the author’s name once in a citation, you can use page numbers only in subsequent citations.
3)then final draft -Compare and Contrast the Two Articles in an Analysis
-After you’ve revised Summary, add a second part to essay with the subheading Analysis. Here is where you bring in your own ideas; answer why the authors’ points are important (in other words, who does the argument affect), where the authors agree and disagree, what are the benefits and disadvantages of those points, who are the people or ideas left out, whether the author is using unsupported generalizations or fallacious reasoning, and what are the implications of the authors’ ideas or recommendations. analysis should be at least one page in which you do more than simply agree or disagree. Your analysis section is a mini-essay with a thesis stating your evaluation of the strength of each author’s argument, which does not depend on whether you agree or disagree with it.
i have also attached the sample paper which my friend did last year.