Final Year project Proposal
March 16th, 2021
write a project title
Abstract (150~200words)
Table of contents
1.0 Background
2.0 Research Question and Objectives 50~80wds
– write one research question and 4-5 objective
3.0 Research Methods 600words
show some keywords ( research key terminology )
3.1 Research Design
3.2 Data Collection
3.3 Data Analysis
how to analysis in the coming future, once collected the data
4.0 Timescales/ Timelines 50 words
4.1 Gantt chart – 20 activities
4.2 Milestones
5.0 Resources 100~150words
5.1 Human and Material Resource
5.2 Preliminary Quotation / Budgeting
* i have attached two PPT, which shows the details of what has to write in the proposal, u can find the company background in the Description