Florence Nightingale
During Modules One and Two of this course you refreshed your understanding of the terms “philosophy” and “science”. This knowledge led to your reflection on your worldview or lens informing professional nursing practice, where you wrote a professional nursing practice philosophy. For Assignment Two you will study the work of one of nursing’s first theorists: Florence Nightingale, using a theory analysis framework.
To complete this assignment, study the work and contributions of Florence Nightingale. Florence Nightingale’s nursing work significantly influenced nursing knowledge, culture of professional nursing practice, role of women in society, and the call to caring for all humans in our communities.
Prepare a 4-5 page discourse that reflects thoughtful consideration and comprehensive study of her work and contributions to nursing and society. Present this discourse using a theory analysis framework to create a well-organized thoughtful paper. Use the theory analysis framework content from the course’s required textbook (Chapter 3). Other theory analysis frameworks may be used with faculty of record permission.
Incorporate use of scholarly references, historical artifacts, and nursing theory resources. References are correctly cited throughout the paper and included in the references section of the paper.
Conclude this assignment with a personal reflection on use of theory analysis criteria in studying nursing theory. Include your perceptions of the most important contributions of Florence Nightingale to professional nursing practice