Global Ecology and Conservation : Traditional Custodians
Discuss about the Global Ecology and Conservation for Traditional Custodians.
The Traditional Custodians of the postcode where I am currently staying in Australia and usage of a credible source of information to provide a written Acknowledgement of Country to the Traditional Custodians
I live in Shepparton and the postal code is 3630.
It is located in the floodplain of northern Australia, in Victoria.
The traditional custodians of Shepparton area are the indigenous people living around the Goulburn junction and the current northern Australia at the convergence of Murray Rivers. These people were called Yorta Yorta. It also interconnects with New South Wales. These tribesman were also called Kailtheban (Hendrickx & Walker 2016).
Victoria’s Aboriginal community numbers close to 40,000 with large populations that are close to the regions around Melbourne, Shepparton, Geelong, Mildura and East Gippsland. Small communities live on Aboriginal owned land at Lake Tyers and Framlingham (Riggs & Toone 2016)
We pay respect to their tribal elders, we celebrate their continuing culture and we acknowledge the memory of their ancestors. I would like to pay my special respect to the tribal elders and would like to celebrate the existence of the continued culture. There is also another acknowledgment coming this way to the memory of the ancestors of the tribal.
Part B:
The relationship of Country to the health and wellbeing of Indigenous Australians
The key aspect of improving the indigenous wellbeing is to look at the exploration of relationship between the current land and their owners. There has always been suggestive evidence that indicates that positive energy and health comes from living in tandem with nature. And this also results in positive energy when we live or work with the tenets of the country (Sangha, Le Brocque & Cadet-James 2015). There has been critical arguments that suggest improvements in indigenous people who continue to live in the suburbs and rural areas.
There are conflicting views that suggest the adoption of urban culture will hamper the growth of the indigenous culture. The health issues can thus be restored. Thus it becomes critical to the development of an understanding of the value of nativity and returning of this indigenous population to their lands. This suggests better indigenous well-being of the population.
There are certain evidences that suggests why there has been no improvement in health when people like in tandem with nature hence there are conflicts (Sangha & Cadet-James 2015).
A number of other Aboriginal community-based organisations, and other organizations that work for the welfare of these communities. They work for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities (Robinson & Whitehead 2016)
Part C:
My culture and its origination
Comparison (discuss any similarities) and contrast (discuss any differences) of country to the health and wellbeing of Indigenous Australians to the health beliefs of my own culture.
I belong to northern India there are three distinct similarities that I can see, the first one being similarity in cultural heritage. My cultural background as well as the indigenous background of Shepparton area is extremely cultural oriented and traditional. The second similarity is owing to the richness of the food and drinks. The food is high on spices and the liquids are generally milk based.
This richness brings in a cultural similarity. It also leads to the culturally elaborate set-up. Respect for elderly is the last, thing which is extremely common in my ancestral culture and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander culture.
The Cultural practice in both regions is saliently different in both cultures. This system of acknowledgement of traditional custodianship of the land during any function or meeting is considered in various meetings and departments. The other difference is the eating habits. North Indians are inherently vegetarian while the indigenous population here is primarily non-vegetarian. Lastly there is a difference in religious beliefs and systems. North Indians are primarily Hindus who worship many deities while Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities worship nature.
Sangha, K. K. & Cadet-James, Y. (2015). Global Ecology and Conservation.
Sangha, K. K., Le Brocque, A & Cadet-James, Y. (2015). Ecosystems and indigenous well-being: An integrated framework. Global Ecology and Conservation, 4, 197-206.
Robinson, C. J. & Whitehead, P. J. (2016). Negotiating Indigenous benefits from payment for ecosystem service (PES) schemes.Global Environmental Change, 38, 21-29.
Hendrickx, D. & Walker, R. (2016). A systematic review of the evidence that swimming pools improve health and wellbeing in remote Aboriginal communities in Australia. Australian and New Zealand journal of public health, 40(1), 30-36.
Riggs, D. W., & Toone, K. (2016). Indigenous Sistergirls’ Experiences of Family and Community. Australian Social Work, 1-12.
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