Hcs 499 week 2 reply 1 | HCS499 Health Care Strategy Capstone | University of Phoenix
Reading the following reply below, what’s your thoughts? Please be sure to meet a word count of 175 – 265. Absolutely no plagiarizing! This response is due 07/17/21. Thanks so much in advance.
Peter Drucker was a renown strategic thinker. If you ever get the chance, please research the Drucker Institute.
Drucker noted an “effective mission statement is short and sharply focused. It should fit on a T-shirt … It must be clear, and it must inspire. Every board member, volunteer, and staff person should be able to see the mission and say, ‘Yes’ (Drucker, 2012, para. 4). The statement must be specific and short. Aligning the mission with the Strategic Plan is imperative to the organization’s success. Once this statement is developed, the vision can be created.
The vision is that charge for the what is to be accomplished, the goal, the end game. This statement can be designed around emotion, the long-term success of a company.