Health Care
Assignment – Clinical Practice Paper
Purpose: Provide the student with the opportunity to prepare a paper based on reflection of a challenging clinical experience.
Introduction. Describe a memorable clinical practice experience (not an ethical dilemma) that challenged your professional beliefs and is related to the Nursing Code of Ethics and/or the National Patient Safety Goals (Links to an external site.)– Name the ethical provision or the national goal. For this section, you may write in the first person. 25 points
Search the literature for three professional nursing articles (not from medical journals and not a blog or letter) from refereed journals related to clinical articles or research studies dealing with your clinical issue. For each article, describe in a paragraph the ways that nurses dealt with the issue you are writing about in this paper. 30 points
Synthesize your personal experience with the new knowledge found in the literature. Compare and contrast the conclusions from the 3 studies in one paragraph with your clinical experience and include solutions to the clinical problem that could be utilized at your place of employment. The quality of the content analysis and synthesis will be reflected in points earned. 30 points
Conclusion – Discuss how the review of the problem within the context of existing literature has or will change your clinical practice. 15 points
Paper should be written according to the APA Style Manual (7th Edition) with attention to formatting, grammar, spelling, flow and citations/ referencing. The paper length should be five pages excluding title and reference pages. No abstract required. Use no quotes. Paraphrasing is expected. Check a sample paper in the Canvas module to see how another student completed this assignment.