Help With Homework
You have created a policy brief presentation that has theoretically caught the attention of a lawmaker. He/she would like more information about this. Write a formal paper, including title page, table of contents, executive summary, topic headings, in-text citations, and references about your selected health issue. Using the outline that you created last week for the presentation, write a formal Policy Brief with the sections outlined below as APA headings. Be sure each section is well developed and supported with in-text citations and logical discussion. Again, remember that your audience is a policymaker, not a medical professional.
· Title Page
· Table of Contents
· Executive Summary
· Introduction
· Background of the Problem
· Impact of the Problem
· Approaches/Options
· Proposed Solution to the Problem
· SWOT Analysis
· Results of the Analysis
· Recommendations
· Conclusion
· References
The paper should be 8-10 pages with at least 6 references. Length does not include the title and references pages.
Upload to your completed assignment to the ePortfolio from Unit 1 by Sunday night at midnight CT, for course objective #8. Failure to submit to your ePortfolio by the due date will result in a zero for this assignment.