Hi, need to submit a 2000 words paper on the topic Media Audiences: Television, Meaning and Emotion.
Hi, need to submit a 2000 words paper on the topic Media Audiences: Television, Meaning and Emotion. There are several types of media audiences ranging from sports, business, education, science, lay, expert, consumers, executive, and technical audiences among others (Gorton, 2009, pp. 27). Some media channels provide products and services that appeal to many people while others reach out to specific categories of audiences. Targeting specific classes of audiences gives a media house a unique niche or position in the market. With such a niche, the media outlet is able to study its target group and plan for ways of improving audience satisfaction thereby attracting and maintaining a bigger audience.
This essay will discuss the concept of a niche in media with a specific focus on the expert audience. The expert audience is a specific audience niche consisting of well-versed individuals who are familiar with the issues a particular media is offering. This type of audience includes educated people, technicians, scientists, and other people who are abreast with the issues being discussed in a particular media. An expert audience for a sports channel, for instance, would include players, coaches, sports scientists, trainers, and other people who understand the specific type of sports (Napoli, 2011, pp. 18). This essay will endeavor to demystify the expert audience to determine how this group of individuals engages with the media. The essay will analyze how the expert audience uses, responds, and enjoys services offered by media companies. The paper will also examine different media theories and to find out how they help to understand expert audiences. This essay will be guided by the hypothesis that expert audiences are more difficult to please because they have high expectations from the media and high-quality standards that they impose on media outlets.
The expert audience consists of individuals with a diverse background with regard to their level of education, work experience, and level of skills and expertise (Gorton, 2009, pp. 39). This group of people is usually familiar with most of the issues that media outlets discuss and in most cases, they have predetermined judgments. The media has to be very advanced in their approach to sharing information in order to appeal to an expert audience. The expert audience is different from other types of audiences such as lay audiences in many ways.