Hospitals or Health Care
Write an essay on Hospitals or health care sectors.
or health care sectors are locations where the health of the public is
taken care of, and health treatments of patients are done through
diagnosis, clinical treatment, and prevention of disease in order to
help them in recover from their physical and mental impairments.
Therefore, it is very important to maintain the quality of care and
treatment provided to the patients. The facilities provided to the
patient should be of high quality and need to be under the vigilance of
the respected team. It is also important to be serious about the care
provided, and the workers should be more responsible since this industry
deals with the health of the community (Boyd and Sheen 2014).
this context, the “Rubicon Health” three issues were observed that lead
to the worsening of the health condition of the patient and
deterioration of the sanitation in the organization. The three issues
were based on the clinical, non-clinical and patient experience inside
the hospital. The flaws in the management and the health care
professionals lead to this situation where there was an elevation
observed in the “hospital acquired infection” by twenty, percent patient
complains increased by thirty percent, and nurse leave and attrition
rate has increased by fifteen percent. Moreover, there exists a lack of
fund to bring about any technical or equipment implementation. In order
to bring about changes and modifications in the management system and
action plan needs to be developed and designed so the hospital can get
accreditation by the survey team (Dixon-Woods et al. 2013).
Plan of action:
Clinical issues –
terms of the clinical complications that has been observed in the
“Rubicon Health” the first issue that was brought to notice was that the
“hospital acquired infection (HAI)” among patients have increased by
almost twenty percentage reflecting an unhealthy and insanitary
condition in the atmosphere of the health care sectors of the
organization. According to Middleton et al. (2013), “Healthcare
associated infections (HAI)” are a risk to patient safety. CDC gives
national headship in surveillance, laboratory research, outbreak
investigations and anticipation of “healthcare-associated infections.”
CDC utilizes knowledge obtained through these actions to spot infections
and build up new strategies to avoid “healthcare-associated
infections.” “Public health action by CDC” and supplementary healthcare
partners has moved to achieve improvements in medical practice, medical
dealings, and the continuing growth of “evidence based infection”
management guidance and preclusion successes (Dudeck et al. 2013).
to the standards of “National Safety and Quality in Health Service
NSQHS – (Australia), the governance and the quality improvement systems
criteria can be achieved by implementing a vital governance system that
lays down the various policies, procedures or protocols. As stated by
Free et al. (2013), these policies involve establishment and maintenance
of a “clinical governance framework,” “collecting and reviewing of the
presentation data,” “communication with the clinical and also the
non-clinical staffs,” “implementation of the prevention strategies” and
“recognition of the risk associated with safety and quality.” Moreover,
the standards state that the stakeholders and other board members of the
health organization should take the complete liability of the patient
safety and quality of the treatment provided (Aiken et al. 2012).
first step of the plan of action would involve a trigger that prompts
the healthcare system to start a prominence on quality improvement and
also pointing the beginning of culture drift. Then a committee and a
council of quality control consisting of authorized nurses and other
staff should be established. As discussed Bohmer (2013), the
responsibility of the committee will be keeping a check on the
sanitation of the health care so that no infections are able to spread.
In this context, in the “Rubicon Health” the urology and the orthopedic
surgeons already informed the infection control nurse to communicate
with them in matters of the pathology to let them understand about the
present issue. Since monitoring of the cleanliness status was not
properly done by the infection control nurse and the report was not
stated correctly to the doctors, the condition related to the “hospital
acquired infection has elevated (Kongstvedt 2012).
stated by Lewis et al. (2014), on the other hand, a systematic and
multidisciplinary team approach should be effectively designed in order
to recognize and study a complicated and problem area. Once the area is
identified the root cause of the problem should be analyzed. Once the
analysis is made, there would be a reduction in the in the blood
infections, patient fall, complications, readmission and also mortality.
As evidence states that there has been an increase in the “hospital
acquired infection (HAI)” in the “Rubicon Health” by twenty
percentages. This situation of the organization has developed due to
the impaired performance. The duties that were given to the various
employees were not performed properly and the issues related to patients
were kept unnoticed. This implementation should be done in accordance
with the NSQHS standard of “Preventing and Controlling Healthcare
Associated Infections” that states that systems and various strategies
should be designed in order to prevent the infection of the patients
within the medical set up and to manage the infection (Ellis 2014).
associated infections (HAI),” are infections which patient acquire
while they are getting treatment for one more stipulation in a health
care locale. HAIs can be acquired wherever health care is conveyed,
involving inpatient severe care hospitals, outpatient frameworks as like
ambulatory surgical units and end-stage renal ailment services, and
long-standing care services such as “nursing homes and rehabilitation
centers.” HAIs may develop from any transmittable agent involving
bacteria, viruses and fungi as well as an additional less frequent
variety of pathogens. HAI can destroy the environment of the whole
health care sector if not identified and managed at the correct time
(Jarvis 2015).
“infection control practitioner (ICP)” should be assigned to the
multidisciplinary team to typically perform current surveillance of such
infections for definite wards, compute infection rates and account
these facts to vital employees, execute staff education and training,
act in response to and apply outburst control measures, and discuss with
employee health complications. All most every health care worker
should obtain supplementary infection manage training and episodic
assessments of aseptic care as an intended patient safety action. Nurses
have the inimitable chance to unswervingly reduce health care-related
infections from end to end identification and application of evidence
related events to check HAI amongst patients and caring the health of
the employees. “Clinical care nurses” unswervingly should be advised to
avert infections by monitoring, performing, assuring observance and
reporting to the expertise medical professionals with aseptic job
practices (García-Moreno et al. 2015).
Patient experience –
a health care sector, the main aim is to satisfy the patient and his or
family through proper treatment and care. In any sort of negligence in
the treatment may arouse a situation where the patient gets compelled to
complain about the health care professionals. According to the
“Recognizing and Responding to Clinical Deterioration in Acute Health
Care” standards of NSQHS, the systems and the process of the health
service should be implemented in order to respond effectively to the
need of the patient whenever the clinical condition of the healthcare
deteriorates. Regarding the reference context, the approximate increase
in the patient complaint is thirty percent. The complaints from the
patients involve rudeness shown by the health care staffs, long duration
of waiting in the emergency departments and also the employees were
alleged for stating or remarking that the patients should be grateful
towards the staffs for their immense contribution in improving their
health. Moreover, in one instance a patient complain made formally
through a letter. It was assured to be addressed properly but the issue
was kept on hold unnoticed (Drummond et al. 2015).
plan of action to resolve such problems needs firstly needs to create
and design “A specific Complaints Management System” which will involve
some unique and trustworthy employees who will be involved in the
process of recording and evaluation of the complaints that are being
raised by the patients or their family members. The set up of the system
should involve appropriate area to receive the complaints, system to
prioritize the complaints, acknowledgment of the complaints and briefing
of the responsibilities, investigation and resolution of the complaints
that should be addressed by the staffs and also by the policy makers
(Holloway, I. and Wheeler 2013).
staffs meetings should be held where instruction and training regarding
their behaviors need to be briefed. In accordance with rude behavior or
communication that might hurt the patient as stated in the context
strict action should be taken against the employees. Moreover, a small
vigilance team would be developed out of the existing staff in order to
measure and monitor the conduct of the staffs. Lastly, after
identification of the main areas of problem the complaints needs to be
summarized and a follow up survey should be done in regular intervals
(Marston et al. 2016).
per the information gained from the context, the emergency department
of the “Rubicon Health” in many occasions has delayed in the waiting
time. This issues need to be focused on the vigilance team, identified
and resolution to the related problem needs to be made. The action plan
would involve systems to monitor the area and the activities of the
staff members employed in the emergency department (Department of Health
Non-clinical issue –
stated by Jeffreys (2015), nursing profession relates to focused care
on individuals, families and the communities. Nurses play one of the
most significant roles a health care sector. Nurses’ practice is diverse
and the care provided by them is to be appreciable in terms of the
patient recovery. Therefore, their absence in the health care unit can
bring about a huge change in the patients health and care. In context to
the “Rubicon Health” organization, there exists a lot of issues related
to the nurse employment and attrition rate. The record states that the
attrition rate and the number of leave taken by the nurses of this
organization have increased almost by fifteen percent. The minimal
duration of the sick leave taken by the nurses without a medical
certificate is about one to two days (Bish et al. 2013).
to the “Performance and Skills management” criterion of standard 1 of
the NSQHS i.e. “Governance for Safety and quality in Health Service
Organizations” a performance development system should be implemented
for the medical workforce in order to improve their scope of practice
and seek regular feedback from the workforce would ensure their
understanding level of safety and quality system. In accordance with
this standard the complications and the problems experienced by the
organization should be addressed and action needs to be taken (Lartey et
al. 2014).
to Crettenden et al. (2014), the action plan would firstly involve the
regular identification of issues of the workforce through a feedback
collection team and analysis of those areas where amendments need to be
made. Secondly, a system should be developed which can be designed to
provide a “rewarding environment in which nurses can work, with
opportunities to grow, and a chance to be heard and participate in
practice decisions keeps experienced nurses at the bedside and,
ultimately, improves patient care.” Reward and recognition help to
motivate the employees and also it acts as a strategy to retain the
employees (Pauly et al. 2012).
last plan of action would involve conducting meetings in order to
address the stakeholders for policies to be designed by the policy
makers which would consist of various leave policies for the employees
of the organization. The policies might involve leaving for the nurses
after a night shift, equal distribution of the duties, etc. (Brown et
al. 2013).
Reason for selection of the issue and resolution –
three issues selected are key to the achievement of the accreditation
first of all since in a health care sector earns the profit out of the
patient who needs to be satisfied by resolving their problems and with
proper care and medical treatment. If their complaints are being
resolved and, they are being attended well, the satisfaction level might
help to motivate the staffs. This problem can be resolved by
establishing a “specific Complaints Management System” involving
trustworthy pre-existing staffs that can identify, analyze and resolve
their problems (Weaver 2013).
second issue related to the spreading of the “Hospital acquired
infection” is important in order to develop the level of sanitation and
the infectious free environment in the hospital. Moreover, on addressing
the problem, the recovery rate would increase and, the mortality rate
would decrease in the “Rubicon Health” organization. This can be
resolved by the development of a “committee and a council of quality
control” consisting of authorized nurses and, other staff should be
established. The responsibility of the team would be to keep a check on
the sanitation of the organization. Moreover, some infection control
practitioner could be hired in order to provide training to the existing
staffs involved directly in patient care.
non-clinical issue is significant since nurses play a major role in the
health care sector. Their absence can hamper the health condition of
the patients. The resolution of this problem would involve a feedback
mechanism or operation of the nurses and other employees, rewards and
recognition system designing and also implementation of the leave policy
(Trepanier et al. 2013).
three issues in e “Rubicon Health” were based on the clinical,
non-clinical and patient experience inside the hospital. The flaws in
the management and the health care professionals lead to this situation
where there was an elevation observed in the “hospital acquired
infection” by twenty, percent patient complains increased by thirty
percent, and nurse leave and attrition rate has increased by fifteen
percent. Moreover, there exists a lack of fund to bring about any
technical or equipment implementation. On following certain standards of
the NSQHS the following issues were identified and action plan has been
can be acquired wherever health care is conveyed, involving inpatient
severe care hospitals, outpatient frameworks as like ambulatory surgical
units and end-stage renal ailment services, and long-standing care
services such as “nursing homes and rehabilitation centers.” This can be
resolved by the development of a “committee and a council of quality
control” consisting of authorized nurses and, other staff should be
established. The second issue was the complaints from the patients
involve rudeness shown by the health care staffs, long duration of
waiting in the emergency departments and also the employees were alleged
for stating or remarking that the patients should be grateful towards
the staffs for their immense contribution in improving their health.
This problem can be resolved by establishing a “specific Complaints
Management System” involving trustworthy pre-existing staffs that can
identify, analyze and resolve their problems. The third issue involves
the attrition rate and the number of leave taken by the nurses of this
organization has increased almost by fifteen percent. Resolution would
involve the reward and recognition system. Although there are gaps in
the “Rubicon Health” organization, on addressing the problem properly
can raise its standards and quality.
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