Human Resources Management (HRM)
Add to Parts 1 and 2 of your Organization Wide Operating Budget by identifying the Projected Expenses for Year 1. Personnel costs are often the most expensive portion of a budget for service based provision like mental health services. Typically a standard 15% can be added to an annual salary for a benefits package. However, facility related expenses may well exceed personnel expenses. Based on your proposed facility and staffing, determine what your annual expenses will be for your proposed practice. Make sure to use Worksheet B.6-8 page 151+ as a guide. Also make sure to prioritize your expenses from most to least important so you will know what can be cut from the expense column if needed. Make sure to provide rationale for your expense categories and amounts. The article by Chevarley et al. (2006) can help with some projections of expenses (see ProQuest). The recommended length of this assignment is 2-3 pages with reference support.