Adolescence Discussion (Discussion 4)
Discuss adolescent idealism, criticism, personal fable and imaginary audience. Give examples of each from your own adolescence. In addition, please discuss the emerging adulthood transition. What is/was your transition like? Can adolescent idealism, criticism, personal fable and imaginary audience cognitive distortions continue to affect people’s judgments and decision-making during the emerging adults period? Do the above cognitive distortions and immature behavior continue during early adulthood (20- 29 years)? Support your discussion with research from your readings in the book or other research from reputable sources.
Remember the criteria for the discussions:
150-200 word original post
50-100 word reply post
Covers every detail in the discussion description
Submitted on time
RUBRIC Levels of Achievement
Responds to Discussion Questions Click for more options
Weight 20.00%
25.00 %
Does not address discussion questions.
50.00 %
Addresses some parts of the discussion questions.
75.00 %
Addresses all parts of the discussion questions and directions.
100.00 %
Addresses all discussion questions and directions in depth.
Communication of Ideas Click for more options
Weight 20.00%
25.00 %
Does not communicate ideas.
50.00 %
Ideas are communicated, but there is no evidence to support ideas, opinions and conclusions.
75.00 %
Ideas are communicated clearly and completely. Some examples/resources are provided to support ideas and opinions.
100.00 %
Ideas are communicated eloquently and thoroughly. Specific examples/resources are provided to support ideas and opinions. Additional resources or application of the discussion topic are provided.
Interaction with Peers Click for more options
Weight 20.00%
25.00 %
No replies to others, or replies with no specific feedback. Repetition of points made by others. Responses discourage other group members to share ideas.
50.00 %
Adequate feedback is provided on other’s ideas.
75.00 %
Meaningful feedback is provided on other’s ideas. Point from at least one participant is built upon and/or refuted.
100.00 %
Meaningful feedback is provided on other’s ideas. Promotes interaction and deepens the discussion. Enthusiasm for the topic and clear effort to add to peers’ knowledge is demonstrated.
Critical Thinking and
Critical Analysis Click for more options
Weight 20.00%
25.00 %
Relies on personal experience and opinion only. Does not indicate an exploration of the issue(s) under discussion.
50.00 %
Relies on more than just opinion, may vaguely refer to some resources. Indicates an attempt of exploration of the issue(s) under discussion.
75.00 %
Connects more than one level of analysis and weaves these coherently in at least one post. Explores, explains and/or expands upon the issue(s) under discussion Comments include personal reaction/experience as well as appropriate resources.
100.00 %
Weaves more than one level of analysis throughout all posts. Fully explores, explains and expands upon the issue(s) under discussion. Comments are based on appropriately cited sources. Connects to other relevant issues, material, experience etc.
Mechanics Click for more options
Weight 20.00%
25.00 %
Multiple spelling, grammar, capitalization and punctuation errors. Posts lack organization, and/or late posts or replies.
50.00 %
Less than 5 spelling, grammatical, capitalization or punctuation errors.