I need help creating a thesis and an outline on Site Layout Design. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide. An abstract is required.
I need help creating a thesis and an outline on Site Layout Design. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide. An abstract is required. This report however examines the results of site analysis and designing the suitable layout for various structures. The study’s objective is, however, to come up with a design that offers a comfortable, convenient, and human-friendly surrounding. It will also involve re-designing the entire spine road to achieve the required layout. The design will involve analysis of the site in terms of the ground surface features such as slope, noise factors, etc.
Of importance in the whole design, the process is pedestrian’shealth and safety. Therefore, vehicular and pedestrian traffic routes need to be segregated. Also in this design, there needs to be adequate as well as safe and easy access by emergency services such as fire brigades is an important consideration.
The spine road will have a roundabout at point 2, which will allow vehicles to access both sections of the highway. The traffic here will be controlled by traffic lights fitted at the roundabout area facing each of the four sides of the roundabout. The road at this point should be wide approximately 6m wide. Lane c will however reduce unnecessary traffic caused by trucks from the industrial units by creating an outlet at point 2. The spine round will however be able to accommodate all sizes of vehicles. It will be a two-way system with a pedestrian and bicycle allowance at the sides. Two pedestrian crossings will be located at approximately 6 m from points 1 and 2 as in the design due to the possible high number of people crossing at the points. A Road to the offices and joining lane B will also be connected to the spine road. This lane B will also make the industrial unit blocks accessible through the connecting road D (Khalafallah & El-Rayes 2006).