In this essay I will advocate for what Barr says Do everything
In this essay, I will advocate for what Barr says, Do everything I tell you to do and you will be a successful student. All people can be a good successful student if they try hard and use self-discipline to push them self harder. For me, successful might means passing a class and having good grades. Success is having more knowledge at the end of a class or course, and showing improvement. If you are a person who wants to keep your life on track, it takes hard work, determination, and patience.
Successful students make their own way of learning. Making the own way of learning has many advantages. I agree that success is not gifted to anyone, it’s hard work which leads to success because of determination. You have to work extra hard and to always listen to your teacher in order to be very successful. By listening you are showing your professor that you care about the course and especially your grade.
What does study habits mean? Study habits are academic skill or study strategies that are approaches applied to learn. Studying skills will help you be more successful as well, there is also too much studying. Evenly spreading out study time will increase the memory of the subjects you learn. Taking frequent breaks will make studying less stressful. Using flash cards, web sites, computers, or just a pencil and paper are all great ways to study. Always do your best and ask for help. One of a good strategy is to not have sloppy or lazy research.
You should know what you are going to expect in a classroom by a syllabus or the teacher will tell you. For example, my professor said this, The semester’s course work reflects the instructor’s writing theory and writing regimen things a college student would do (Barr, syllabus, pg. 5). Doing homework right after you get home from school is good because you might still remember what to do and what you need to study.You need to be responsible with your grades because if you don’t turn something in it would automatically count as 20% of your grade and believe me, it will affect you and hurt you (Barr, syllabus, pg. 4) Barr has told us exactly what he wants and how he wants it. He always explains stuff very clear and ask us again if we don’t understand it. Barr said, I want you to engage with me ( Barr, Lecture, 2/18/19). Annotation is a good way to get more information on what is the professor lecturing. Barr told us Get all the information down on your paper,(Barr, lecture 2/11/2019). He wants us to listen and engage with him so he can know that we understand. For example, I am very shy to ask a question in front of my classmates. Barr said, Shake your head or nod whenever I ask a question or just give me a look, so I know that you don’t’ understand and I can go back and explain it more (Barr, lecture, 2/18/19) Time is very important for you to be very successful. You are responsible to come to class early. More than ten minutes late or leaving early or an extended break is counted as absent for the day (Barr, syllabus, pg.4). It’s not a good idea to miss a class because you will miss a lot and be behind. Barr said, Class starts on time, be ready to be on time, notebook open, writing utensil in hand (Barr, syllabus, pg. 4). Time management is important for students to do the study with focus. Time management is important for students to get high marks. Student’s success in studies depends much on managing time efficiently. The habits and morals they acquire during schools time and home will stick with them throughout the future (Kumar, Importance of Time Management for Students in Their Career, 6 Aug. 2018). By being on time you are showing to your professor that you are responsible and prepared. Since class starts on time we shall never be late. Professor Barr doesn’t care what your excuse is. Barr said, The best stories come from people who lie about them (Barr, lecture 2/13/19). Your behavior reflects do much on you and your work. Successful students must budget their time so that they can have some amount of fun (so they don’t simply burn out) while still being able to find the time to study to the amount that they need in order to do well in their classes (Delaney, What Behaviors Are Key to Success in College? What Behaviors Are Key to Success in College?,25 July 2009).You need to come to class this is categorized as behavior because it’s your responsibility to come to class early and on time. Barr says Its not a good idea to miss class(Barr, syllabus, pg.4). It is your responsibility to be responsible for your stuff. Barr says Sleeping in class is absent for the day. Any use of electronic devices is absent for the day. If I ask you to stop talking, you are absent for the day” (Barr, syllabus, pg.4). We need to have positive behavior to be very successful in life and school. Once again always listen to your professor. Having a positive attitude is one of the most crucial factors for a student to succeed in his or her study career. A professor is always looking for positive attitude on students. A positive mental attitude is really important and the first key to success. A positive person sees and builds on her strengths. We have to have an open attitude toward learning new things and trying new things. You need to care about school. If you have a positive attitude you will be a successful student. Listing to your professors and you will succeed. I do agree on what Barr says because being a successful student because your professor has had much more life experience than you, he or she has a greater depth of knowledge to draw from than you do. Professor plays important role in our life to become successful in career and business. They care about you if you do the right thing. Professors work so hard to teach us so we can be someone in this world. In conclusion, being a successful student is very easy. The only thing that being a successful student takes time and practice. You need to work hard. All you have to do is listen to your professor and do whatever you are told to do. I don’t know why students don’t take a chance and think that being a successful student can help you a lot. I agree that success is not gifted to anyone, it’s hard work which leads to success because of determination. The most important thing is that you need to attend class, do all the assignments. You need to care about your grade. Do everything you’re told to do and you’ll be very successful.