International Relations
Taking your best point from your first paper and your best point from your second paper, write a paper as if you are an intelligence officer trying to present your position to a policymaker. You begin by presenting your most persuasive V argument for why your issue poses a threat to the United States. You are then to imagine that the policymaker disagrees with you ,and you are to present his argument in the paper. For example, if you argue that terrorism is the centra lnational security threat, imagine the policymaker disagrees with you and claims that another issue poses the greatest threat to national security in the next decadeor thatyour issue does not pose a threat to national security in the next decade. You are then to refute his/herargument.Next, you are to present your most persuasiveargument for how the intelligencecommunityshould deal with the threat. Again, the policymaker disagreesand argues that there are better waystheintelligence community can deal with the issue.Finally, you are to refute his/herposition.