Issue: Climate Change Objective: To research and understand the issue you have selected, including the historical roots, current policy proposals, and multiple perspectives on the issue. Task: Resea
Climate Change
To research and understand the issue you have selected, including the historical roots, current policy proposals, and multiple perspectives on the issue.
Research the issue you have selected and write an analytical essay in which you:
Discuss the historical roots of your issue in American society.
Identify and describe one specific public policy related to your issue that has led to disagreement among Americans.
Discuss how this policy was proposed and the current status of that policy.
Minimum Page Length:
2 pages
Required Specifications:
11 point, Times New Roman font
1.5 line spacing
1” margins on all four sides
MLA format in-text citations (parenthetical citations)
Properly formatted Works Cited page (does not count toward page requirement)
Minimum 4 sources used