Managerial Issues

Write an essay on the managerial issues.


In this particular essay, the entire content is focused on the managerial issues that are hindering the various highly significant organizational aspects. In this essay, the analysis is done by the researchers that are hindering the ethical as well as the practical nature of decision making. On the other hand, argumentative content is briefly discussed in this essay that is related to contributing for discussing about the dilemmas from the given case study.

It is necessary to mention that, based on the given case studies; the researcher is able to shed light on the various highly significant ways for making decisions that are related to the decision making of the managers of various business organizations. The internal issues of Gloriana Insurance are briefly discussed in this essay for pointing out the ethics that should have to maintain by the managers as well as the top level employees of any business organizations. The case scenario of the Bonne Hi-Values is able to make the researcher concentrated for drawing the issues for reducing costs that are related to the global competition.

On the other hand, the case scenario of Myriad Engineering for sketching the issues that are generated from the end of the managers of this particular business organization in respect to developing the talent in a Small and Medium Enterprises (SME). One highly significant aspect that is communication is discussed all over the essay that is highly important for maintaining the growth of any organizations. Lastly, using the given case scenarios the essay is briefly discussed with the outline that is related to the desired changes that are the need for personal practices within the workplace of any business organizations.


It is identified that, the managers of the business organizations often considering various alternative decisions for making any effective as well as efficient decisions for the growth related to the organizations as commented by Gregory et al. (2012). It is necessary to mention that, regularly considering the outset of the designated issues is highly helpful for making significant decisions that are able to minimize the issues that are hindering the organizational activities. Apart from that, not taking appropriate decisions for identifying the exact reasons for the particular issues may raise the inappropriate alternatives for making decisions. Therefore, investigating as well as identifying the major reasons that are hindering the organizational activities as well as approaches is a highly essential step that has to be taken by the manager of any business organization as commented by Ferrell and Fraedrich (2016).

Assuming the case of Gloriana Insurance, it is discovered that, the decision making of the team leaders of this particular business organization is creating the barrier for the organizational activities in a cohesive manner. Gloriana Insurance is actually based in Melbourne. In the Melbourne office, the entire organization is divided into five teams under the supervision of Ron Miller. The five team leaders of Gloriana Insurance are Jennifer, Shadi, Zoltan, Liling as well as Raj. It is necessary to mention that, the age of the team leaders are different and lies between the ages of 28 to 44 (Pettigrew 2014). Therefore, the decisions are significantly different as per their view of expertise depending on their age. On the other hand, few employees are facing serious issues from the end of their director of the Melbourne office named Ron Miller. In addition, they are frustrated for the activities of their director as well as they are losing their ability for making organizational decisions as it is discovered from the given case study.

As an example, Jennifer was found guilty as she gave permission to one of her team members for doing work from home as her team member was caring responsibilities. Therefore, the director, Ron Miller was furious on Jennifer while he heard about this granting permission from the end of Jennifer and he warned her to don’t repeat this type of granting orders without taking the permission from the director’s end. As per the given case study, Jennifer protested to her director as she grants that permission according to the Human Resource guidelines as well as she wanted to maintain the organizational productivity. It is necessary to mention that, the collision between the top level organizational personnel and the managerial personnel is able to hinder the mentality of the employees of organization within the workplace, and that can decrease the performances of the entire organization as stated by Krueger and Casey (2014). On the other hand, managers in the context of organizational business are tending to view the decision making different rather than the entrepreneurs. Therefore, in the case of Gloriana Insurance, the team of Jennifer also becomes offended for the clarification as well as the improper decision of their director Ron Miller, as he thought without any pieces of evidence that most of the team members of Jenifer would take the facility for doing work from home.

Another team leader of Gloriana Insurance is Raj who is 28 years age and arrange a team meeting in every Monday morning for analyzing as well as making decisions for increase the organizational activities in future for expanding their business. Nevertheless, the director Ron Miller observed that and seemed rude with Raj as Raj don’t even take any permission from Ron Miller for conducting that meeting. Ron Miller was annoyed because he wants to maintain proper discipline as well as obedience within the workplace and he want that every team members have to take decisions from him before taking any decisions. As a result, Raj was demoralized as well as he thought that the team members will be disempowered due to the decision of Ron Miller. It is necessary to mention that, the management style of not satisfied by the team members of the teams of Raj, Jennifer, Zoltan and the others because they were thinking that their director, Ron Miller was bullying them as well as he is not able to maintain the management style properly that is highly significant as well as essential factor for empower their employees as well as to keep increasing the organizational performances as it is identified from the given case study. Therefore, it is mandatory to maintain the ethical responsibilities within the workplace of any business organizations by all of the related employees as well as be strict with the legislative rules for dealing with those organizational persons who are generating the issues related to violence, bullying as well as harassment as opined by Carroll and Buchholtz (2014).

It is necessary to mention that, the managers of any organization have to maintain the proper culture that is related to the organizational cultures aspect properly for influencing the employees in increasing their performances as opined by Clemen and Reilly (2013). On the other hand, providing proper training is also a highly important need by which the employees as well the workers are able to increase their performances. However, as per the given case study, the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Bonne Hi-Value realized that are lacking to provide advanced knowledge about the relevant information to their workers. As, a result, the employees as well the workers of Bonne Hi-Value became stressed out and became confused with their profession in the future. Apart from that, one of the team managers named Tomasz Janowski was not experienced with his profession who are supervised by directly to the CEO. Therefore, the team members were unable to increase their performances because Tomasz Janowski was not helpful in creating the influences to the team members. Due to lack of experience, Tomasz Janowski puts his team members for achieving more than their designated target. As a result, the target was not met as well as the employees were really offended with the activities of their team manager.

As commented by Bazerman and Moore (2012), appropriate managerial decision making procedure is highly essential for taking significant decisions that are able to increase the organizational growth by choosing one or more than two rationales related to the desirable consequences. On the contrary, as stated by Zsambok and Klein (2014), decision making process is an enhanced way to surviving in the market with a significant organizational aspect. It is necessary to mention that, frequent decision making within the business organizations has to be made by all of the employees for emphasizing the list of the proper decisions that are able to minimize the risk factors that are creating barriers to the business organization. As opined by Cankurtaran, Langerak and Hultink (2014), making decisions for enhancing the communication of the organization is a highly efficient for increasing the organizational performances as well as maintaining the proper legislative rules that are related to government legislations as well as the human resources guidelines is also a high necessity aspect for influencing the employees within the workplace of any business organizations. As an example, the case scenario of Myriad Engineering can be taken; as the eligible employees of this particular business, organization was ignored by the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) for doing an MBA. The major reason was Tom Warner was favorable by Marcus Warner because Tom Warner was his nephew.

On the other hand, rest of the employees was seemed protested about the incidents that were happening with them. As a result, one of the finest employees of Myriad Engineering submitted his resignation due to this discrimination. As revealed by Dash, Agrawal and Sinha (2013), making decisions related to the objective rational is able to maximize the values that are hindering the situation. As Tom was harassed by the other employees, Marcus Warner can change his decisions for treating same the other employees and select them for achieving an MBA degree. On the contrary, as argued by Wiersema (2015), decision making models are highly essential for mitigating various managerial issues that are creating barriers within the workplace of the business organizations. As evidence, the case scenario of Bonne Hi-Value can be taken; as the entire productivity of the Melbourne plant was reduced to 30 percent due to lack of proper skill as well as training of their employees and the workers. As stated by Craft (2013), analysing the risks are also highly significant procedure for making decisions for the managers and that is the major reason why the managerial personnel reduced their production by 30percent in the next year in the Melbourne plant of Bonne Hi-Value

According to (Bazerman and Moore 2012), a good management team is essential for the progress and growth of an organization. Managers are the persons who set out the goals of an organization, make sure that the organization works in the most efficient way, address all the issues related to the business and day to day working of the organization and come out with effective solutions for leading the organization to a bright future.  A manager has to be a very skilled person who would know and understand the best interest of an organization and would accordingly make decisions. Whenever a problematic situation arises in an organization the manager has to deal with it with efficiently. The future of an organization rests in the hands of managers. The way how a manager may deal with a tough situation or a problem in an organization may be categorized as follows:

Defining the problem: The first step towards solving a problem is to define the problem. The manager needs to understand from where the problem does have arisen and how it has arisen and why it has arisen. The manager needs to ask these questions to himself and to other reliable persons in the organization so that the problem can be identified (Romiszowski2016). 

Prioritizing the problems: Sometimes a complex situation may arise in which a number of problems may arise. In those situations the manager needs to prioritize the problems. The important and the urgent problems need to be handled immediately to prevent any effect on the growth and smooth functioning of an organization (Hicks2013). 

Identifying cause of the problem: The cause of the problem can be identified after keen observation and after consultation with the other members of an organization. Identifying the cause of the problem is very important for going to the root of the problem which is the only way the problem can be solved (Hicks2013). 

Selection an approach to solve the problem: A problem may be solved by different ways and through different approaches. It is very important to analyze the risk associated with each problem and at the same time it is also essential to make a detailed analysis of which approach would solve the problem for the long run (Goetschand Davis2014). 

Implementation of the best approach: The next step is to find out the best way to implement an approach to solve the problem (Haimes2015). 

Verification whether the problem has been resolved or not: The last and the final stage is to verify whether the problem has been resolved or not (Anderson et al. 2015).

These practices relating to solving of a problem have to be adopted by every managers in order to ensure that the organization runs effectively and efficiently.

A close analysis of the case study 1 reveals that the problem in the organization was with the Director himself who was autocratic and did not rely on the team leaders. The Director has in a way prevented the creative and innovative activities of the team leaders which is detriment to the growth of the organization. Having good knowledge is undoubtedly a great attribute to a director’s personality but treating others with respect and involving others in the managerial decisions must also be the key concerns of a Director. In this circumstance the COO of the Company needs to interfere and persuade the Director to change his approach and provide him instructions to deal with everyone equitably and fairly. If this attempt fails, then the COO seriously needs to reconsider the position of Ron Miller in the organization.

In the case study 2, the problem related to the downsizing of the Melbourne plant as the organization was looking forward to make its place in the international competitive market. Downsizing is not an easy task and it requires effective communication and managerial skill to convince the present employees of the idea of downsizing a plant. It is important to maintain transparency in the managerial process and inform the employees of the decision of setting up a new plant in Vietnam and the managers need to find out adequate plans and ideas to involve the present employees in the Melbourne plant. The employees are at a complete stake whenever they hear of losing jobs and opportunities and it is the managers who need to tackle the situation in the best way possible and motivate the employees not to lose their aspiration and hope for the better opportunities which are awaiting them.

A detailed analysis of case study 3 reveals that, the problem arose in the organization because of treating certain employees specially and offering them better opportunities than others. In this scenario the best managerial practice would be not to keep this matter a secret and finding out convincing ways to justify the others about why those persons have been considered for better treatment and why others have been deprived of the same.

In case study 4, the problem related to bringing a change in the organization. The employees in the organization were accustomed to the status and most of them, excepting few, were resistant to any change in the organization. But change was essential to ensure the growth and progress of organization. In this circumstance the managers of the Company need to find out satisfying ways to convince the employees and assure them that the change would bring many benefits to the organization. The employees who are resistant to such change have to be dealt with at personal level and need to be given opportunities of being heard and accordingly some consensus have to be reached by such consultation.


This particular essay is able to draw highly essential aspects that are related to the managerial decision making. This particular essay is emphasized with an analysis related to the managerial issues of various business organizations. Regularly considering the outset of the designated issues is highly helpful for making significant decisions that are able to minimize the issues that are hindering the organizational activities. As per the case scenario, Jennifer, who is the team leader of Gloriana Insurance was accused by her director, as she granted permission of one of her team member for doing work from home. Apart from that, other team leaders of Gloriana Insurance were also bullied as well as accused by their director Ron Miller that is an offensive activity within any workplace. Therefore, the researcher identified that, it is mandatory to maintain the ethical responsibilities within the workplace of any business organizations by all of the related employees as well as be strict with the legislative rules for dealing with those organizational persons who are generating the issues related to violence, bullying as well as harassment.

Treating all of the employees same as well as removing discrimination is also an essential activity that has to be decided by the managers of any business organizations. As the example, the CEO of the Myriad Engineers was accused by the employees because the CEO was giving more opportunities to his nephew rather than the others. On the other hand, the issues related to communication are also sketched out in this essay briefly. The communication between the top level managers and the employees of Bonne Hi-Values was not in a good manner; as a result, the employees could not meet their designated job targets along with the inexperienced team manager. 

Reference List

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