Media Critique About Relationships
PSYCH 4455 – Lamb
Media Critique Assignment – 25 Points The intention of this assignment for students to review media (e.g., a film, television series, etc.) to make connections between the chosen media and course concepts. The primary question to be answered is: “How does this media source illustrate or apply to interpersonal relationships course content?” If the media source does not provide ample opportunity to create clearly sufficient connections to course content, then the media source should be reconsidered. It is the expectation of the student to choose appropriate media where concepts related to intimate relationships are a central focus. Choose wisely. Once a sufficient media source with interpersonal relationships as a central focus is identified, the next step is to review relevant course content related to the media. A good first step is to review the table of contents for the course text, then dig deeper into relevant and appropriate chapters. The student is expected to become very familiar with the course content and concepts related to the chosen media. At this point, the student should review (or re-review) the media source given their research related to course concepts. Finally, students are expected to showcase their familiarity with the chosen media and course content, in addition to illustrating their critical thinking and evaluative skills when making connections and discussing the media. Students are also expected to identify (e.g., use bold font or color) and use course terminology appropriately when constructing their report as evidence of their integration and command of course material. Do not presume the reader will know what you mean, be clear/precise.
Writing & Format
Use the following five sections as headers for writing the assignment:
Suggested Page Length
1. Introduction of relevant course concepts (be clear and concise) ½ – 1 page
2. Brief summary of media (be succinct) ½ Page
3. Connections between media and course concepts (provide examples) 1 Page
4. Critique (evaluate how well the media illustrates course concepts) 1 Page
5. Conclusion (summarize sections above and create a thoughtful conclusion) ½ Page
All papers must use APA citation style and use APA format for any references. 4 Pages Maximum
It is possible for some sections to be longer or shorter than the suggested page length above. It is always the responsibility of the writer to be mindful of spelling and grammar, exercise brevity, be concise, and try not to write more than necessary and potentially distract the reader from your message, argument, analysis, etc. It is suggested students try to aim for a paper between 3-4 complete pages, but no more than 4 pages. All final paper documents/files will be submitted on Canvas and checked for plagiarism. All papers should use Calibri or Times New Roman 12-point font and 1-inch margins, double spaced, include appropriate page numbers, and use headings indicating each of the above five sections. At least one reputable academic reference must be provided in the APA References section at the end of the paper.
Paper Rubric
Section Criteria Points
Introduction How clear are the relevant course concepts explored for the media analysis? 5
Summary Is sufficient summative information provided to illustrate how the media is relevant? 3
Connection What is the connection quality provided between course concepts and media? 5
Critique How proficient is the evaluation regarding the above connections? 5
Conclusion To what extent does the conclusion provide a thoughtful summary? 4
Format How well does the composition reflect the expected format? 3
Total 25