Mental health and alcohol and other drugs asessment part 1: s –
Mental Health and Alcohol and Other Drugs
S – CHCMH408B Provide interventions to meet the needs of consumers with MH and AOD issues
In your own words, write 200-250 words in response to all 4 questions below (800-1,000 words in total). No dot point answers for this task please.
1. What do you understand ‘recovery’ to mean? Discuss how people can differ in their idea of what recovery means and how it should be approached.
2. Describe 4 ways that co-occurring mental health and AOD issues can act as a barrier to a person’s ability to work toward, and participate in, their recovery.
3. Consider the implications dual diagnosis has for effective service provision. Describe a minimum of 2 strategies that you would implement in response to the 4 barriers identified in question 2.
4. Identify and describe some of the sorts of stigma facing those with co-occurring mental health and AOD issues and provide 3 examples of how this stigma can act as a barrier to recovery. Discuss different ways that you can work to reduce stigma in the community.
Assessment Part Two.
S – CHCMH408B Provide interventions to meet the needs of consumers with MH and AOD issues
Advance TAFE
/ â–º CHCMH408B
/ â–º Assignments
/ â–º Assessment task 2 (60% of final grade)
Read through the following case study for ‘Matthew’. Describe how you would identify and respond to any co-occurring mental health and AOD issues Matthew might have. Your response to this task must address all of the 6 areas listed at the end of the case study.
Your assignment must be in report form and be 1,000 – 1,200 words in length.
Case study – ‘Matthew’
Imagine that you work in an AOD service and support a caseload of approximately 25. Your job role includes assisting consumers to access services for counselling, housing etc. Your role also requires providing consumers with support and strategies for their recovery and working with them holistically to achieve that recovery.
Added to your caseload is a young man, Matthew, who has been court-ordered to participate with your service. He arrives for his first meeting with you.
The information you were given prior to seeing Matthew is that he is a 17 year old youth living at home with his parents (who both work full-time) and his 2 younger siblings, who both attend the local primary school.
About 8 months ago Matthew was expelled from school for continuous disruptive behaviour and aggression towards teachers and other students. Since then, Matthew has not attended school and spends most days at home sleeping. His nights are spent elsewhere with friends.
While his parents suspect some form of drug abuse, they are not aware that Matthew is smoking cannabis nightly and is consuming large quantities of alcohol on a regular basis. He also takes Ecstasy tablets and methamphetamines when he can afford it, or if given to him by his friends.
When his parents talk to Matthew he is sullen and does not make eye contact, becoming aggressive and violent when they express their concerns. Matthew has recently smashed crockery, slammed doors and tipped over furniture during confrontations with his parents.
Over the past 6 weeks there have been several occasions where his mother or father have heard him talking to himself (or imagined others) while alone in his bedroom. His tone of voice is often raised and animated during these times and they have heard him become quite upset. The things they hear him saying make very little sense and they attribute drugs as the likely cause of this odd behaviour. They are very concerned but feel at a loss as to what to do.
At a party last week Matthew picked a fight with a group of young people for no apparent reason. The situation quickly turned violent when Matthew punched another boy in the side of the head. There were 3 boys in the group and it didn’t take them long to overpower Matthew. He was left badly bruised around the head & body and bleeding from where his eyebrow had been split open.
Police and paramedics attended the scene and while they were attending to Matthew they found that he had a small amount of marijuarna in his possession. Now Matthew has presented at your office because he has been ordered by the court to engage in AOD treatment. This incident was his first offence and AOD treatment was a condition of the good behaviour bond he received.
Describe in detail how you would identify and respond to any co-occurring mental health and AOD issues Matthew might have.
You MUST consider and address all 5 areas outlined below:
The history of events that led up to this situation and the current level of risk for Matthew.
The things you would consider when establishing rapport and how you would go about it.
The tools, if any, that you would use in your initial interview and assessment.
The services you would refer Matthew to & how you would support him in accessing them.
The strategies and resources you would use to work with Matthew toward his recovery and how you would implement them.
The need for collaborative and holistic service provision – how is this demonstrated in your work with Matthew?