During Modules One through Seven of this course, you studied the foundation of nursing philosophy, science of nursing, and various nursing and interdisciplinary theories. This knowledge led to your reflection on your worldview or lens informing professional nursing practice. You wrote a professional nursing practice philosophy. For Assignment Two, you demonstrated knowledge of theory analysis framework and the contributions of Florence Nightingale in the development of nursing as a profession. Now it is time to use the theory analysis framework to study multiple theories and demonstrate actual or potential use of these theories in practice. This assignment is due in Module Seven.
To complete this assignment study at least two theories discussed in this course. Other theories may be used with faculty of record permission.
Prepare a 4-5 page discourse that reflects thoughtful consideration and comprehensive study of these theories. Present a written discourse using the theory analysis framework to create a well-organized thoughtful paper. Incorporate use of scholarly references, historical artifacts, and various theory resources (print, video, internet, museum artifacts). Cite references correctly throughout the paper and include in the references section of the paper.
Conclude this assignment with a personal reflection on use of these theories in your nursing practice. Include your perceptions of the most important contributions of your chosen theories to professional nursing practice.
The following criteria are used to assign points to this assignment:
The written work is presented in a well-organized thoughtful paper where multiple theories used in nursing are explored. Discuss at least two theories in addition to a potential summary reflection on the influence of Florence Nightingale in the development of these theories (if applicable).
There is evidence of at least two theories incorporated into the paper, in addition to a summary discourse on Florence Nightingale’s influence on these theories.
A contemporary nursing practice issue is incorporated into the paper (preferably from the student’s own experience). Theory discussion demonstrates application of knowledge to contemporary nursing practice.
Provides references for 4 to 6 scholarly articles and from course texts that discuss or define the topic.
Paper is written in APA style without grammar, spelling and punctuation errors.
Length of paper should be 4-5 pages (body of text). Length of written discourse does not include the title page, figures, diagrams or reference pages.
All nursing students are required to submit assignment by end of the academic week. This assignment will be evaluated based on the stated point values and criteria as stated in the rubric and is due in Module Seven.
Final Project Rubric
20 Points
15 Points
5 Points
0 Points
Points Achieved
Content: analysis
Incorporates at least two theories into the paper in addition to a summary on Nightingale’s influence.
Incorporates at least two theories into the paper, but no summary on Nightingale’s influence.
Incorporates one theory into the paper, no summary on Nightingale’s influence.
Does not address component.
Content: application
A contemporary nursing practice issue from the student’s own experience is incorporated into the paper.
A contemporary nursing issue from the student’s reading is incorporated into the paper.
No issue is discussed or there is no evidence that the issue is relevant to the student’s experience
Does not address component.
Quality: resources & research
Provides references for 4 to 6 scholarly articles and from course texts that support the topic
Provides references for 3 articles and references one text to support the topic.
Provides references for less than 2 articles and/or no references to text.
Does not address component.
Quality: reflection
Includes self-reflection on use of theory in own nursing practice.
Includes a brief self-reflection on use of theory in own nursing practice.
Includes minimal evidence of self-reflection.
Does not address component.
10 Points
8 Points
4 Points
Points Achieved
Grammar, spelling, and punctuation
There are no errors in grammar, spelling, and punctuation
There are a few minor (1-2) errors in grammar, spelling, and punctuation that do not detract from the meaning
There are major errors (3-5) in grammar, spelling, and punctuation that do not reflect doctoral writing
Does not address component.
APA Compliance
The paper meets APA formatting guidelines.
There are a few minor errors (1-2) in APA formatting.
There are significant errors (3-5) in the APA format of the paper.
Does not address component.