Pedagogy for Positive Learning Environment

Discuss about the Pedagogy for Positive Learning Environment.

Adolescence is one of the stages of development as proposed by psychologists Freud. It is the stage, which comes after infancy. Delving deep into the aspect, adolescence is the period, when a child penetrates into the first stage of maturity. Onset of puberty indicates the transformation of the child into an adult in case of the females (Meij, Meij & Harmsen, 2015). Adolescent period is usually known as teenage, although the symptoms initiate from an early stage. In this stage, different perspectives related to psychology, biology, history, sociology and others. However, the main aspect of adolescent period is the lessons taught to the children by the parents for their adult lives.

For providing an insight into adolescent development, biological definition of adolescence is necessary. For girls, onset of puberty marks the penetration into adolescence. For boys, physical growth indicates the attainment of adolescence. Both the girls and the boys encounter certain bodily changes (Tadesse & Gillies, 2015). Due to these changes, they find themselves capable of thinking logically, which is their gradual preparation for the adult life. As a matter of specification, the bodily changes involve changes in the sex organs, body weight, height, muscles mass as well as the changes in the capacity of the brain. Gradual progress in cognitive power also brings changes in the thinking skills. In schools, the students mix with the students from other backgrounds, this broadens their perspectives about the events, taking place in their surroundings.

Most of the adolescents range between the age group of 13-19. Out of these, a majority of them suffer from numerous problems like inadequate sleep, substance abuse and addictions. These issues bring noticeable changes in the adolescents, compelling them to misbehave in schools. Watching TV till late night is the reason why the students fall asleep in class. Due to this, they cannot concentrate on the lectures given by the teachers. Scolding from the teachers make the students feel depressed, which is the main reason for behavioral change (Kim & Baylor, 2016). Here, the students search for a helping hand, which would bring them on the right track. In this stage, if the parents refuse to take the responsibility of giving proper training to the students, they adopt wrong means for overcoming the depression. Typical example of these wrong means is the addictions, which totally deviates them from the targeted goals. These addictions entrap the students in such a web, that they even bunk the classes and indulge in these addictions. Upon discovering these instances, the students become violent and adopting harming methods to self and others.

Psychologists are of the view that peer pressure is the main reason for the adolescents indulging in the wrong means and addictions (Salend, 2015). They are shocked at the results, which have even depicted the death of the students as a result of increased indulgence into addictions and lack of proper treatment.

Synthesis of the main findings from the interview

According to the views of the parent interviewed, their child is good at studies. When he is among his friends, he enjoys a lot. However, when he dislikes something, he indulges in fighting, for which the parents were called. On the contrary, the female teacher laid stress on culture for misbehavior of the students. She thinks the type of culture in which the student receives their upbringing finds reflection in the behavior they expose in the external sources. Adhering to the views of the female colleague, she provides a detailed description regarding the behavior of the students in school (Adams, 2016). As a matter of specification, she highlights the dislike of the students regarding the school rules and regulations. The main propositions of her answer are the behavioral changes, which come in the students’ in the school.

As per the opinions of first non-teaching staff, the students in their adolescent stage are very energetic, which encourages them to indulge in adventurous acts. He thinks that mostly the students misutilize this encouragement, which reflects their misbehavior in the school. The second non-teaching staff thinks that the students misbehave in school for exposing their disinterest towards the strictness of the teachers and principals (Alt, 2015).  According to the opinions of one female parent, negligence in the strictness of the teachers and principals allows the students to misbehave in schools.

One of the males interviewed was of the opinion that the students misbehave in school as they find the lessons very hard. The second male interviewed opined that the students find the lessons easy, but they get bored and misbehave in order to seek attention. As per the statements of the female teachers, the students misbehave, as they do not like the teachers. The major drive behind these aspects is the culture, which determines the good and the bad behavior of the students. If the students receive proper guidance and support in their developing stage, it is revealed in their behavior in the schools (Dole, Bloom & Kowalske, 2016). On the contrary, lack of proper guidance towards behavior is also reflected in their approach towards the lessons delivered in class.

The misbehavior of the students in schools can be understood better by the application of choice theory. The main proposition of choice theory is choosing the behavior to expose. The major drive behind this are the genes, which satisfy the basic survival needs. Misbehavior can be considered as adding spice to the boring bookish lectures. This perception is contradicted by the cultural aspect in terms of enhancing the personality of the students in their academic fields. However, the students should not be limited within the shackles of culture as it is the age of having fun, which is an essential component for enjoying childhood (Fowler, 2015). Countering this, regulation is needed in terms of inculcating discipline within the students.

Section three: Comparison between literature review and the main findings from the interview

Adolescence is the stage, when the students tend to explore the world around them. They find interest in this exploration, which reflects the disinterest in for long hours and listening to the lectures. Instead, they prefer adventurous act, without catering to the fact that they could be punished for violating the school norms. Once the adolescent students indulge in these acts, they are entrapped by its attraction that they deviate from the goals. The attraction of these acts is such that it brings behavioral changes within the students upon being warned about the harmful effects (Kim & Baylor, 2016). Culture is an essential aspect in this context. The culture in which the students receive their upbringing finds their reflection in the behavior exposed by the students.

Within the culture, guidance and support is also included. If the students are provided with a positive learning environment, positivity is also added to the attainment of proper development.  On the contrary, lack of proper guidance teaches the children to fight among themselves for the things they disliked or did not get. One of the other aspects of this culture can be the strictness, which acts as a strong and flexible supporting hand for the students towards their establishment. Negligence in this direction is an indication towards the students misutilizing the provided freedom. This negligence compels the parents to encounter taunts and mocking from the neighbors, which hamper the cognitive learning process of the students (Lewthwaite et al., 2015).

Personal awareness and teacher practice

I think school is one such place, where the students get better preparation for the future lives. In the present age, the administrative authority of the schools is running blindly in a rat race to achieve higher profit margin. This mentality acts as a compromise with the educational needs of the students, depriving them from the actual scenario of the society. I am really concerned about with the dearth of qualified teachers, who can take the responsibility of upgrading the preconceived knowledge, skills and expertise of the students. I sympathise with the teachers in terms of the low income and insecurities, which make them hesitant towards adopting the jobs. In this situation, the school can make other arrangements like private tuitions. I think this would be beneficial for the students in terms of continuing their learning process.

Aording to Ma et al., (2015), mischief is a word, which goes very well with children. This is in terms of expanding the horizons of their knowledge. I fully affirm the fact they do not like to sit for long hours and listen to the lectures, which the teachers give. This disinterest generates within them the idea to indulge into wrong and mischievous acts like bunking class and indulging in smoking, taking drugs among others. Once the students indulge in these acts, they expose strange behaviors in schools. I think at homes also they behave unusually, which makes the parents concerned. Just telling them about the harmful effects of these acts is not enough. The students need to be made aware of consequences about indulging in these acts (Magolda, 2014). I think the role of the parents is crucial in this context. This is in terms of the behavioral changes, which comes within the students as a result of gaining a different kind of happiness upon indulging in the negative act. According to me, the behavioral changes destroy the balance in the lives of the students. Due to this, they suffer from sleepless nights, which make them unable to pay attention to the lectures delivered in class. In such a situation, if the teachers scold them, they become depressed. It is at this stage, where the parents need to take the assistance of the counselors, as self-attempts can be harmful for the physical and mental development of the students (Moy, Renshaw & Davids, 2016).

I am elated at the fact that some of the schools have introduced the subject of behavioral psychology. Apart from this, counselors have been appointed for solving the issues, which the students are facing during their stay in the schools. I think if a period is devoted to counseling, the students would be beneficial in terms of getting a deeper awareness of their psychological wellbeing. In view of the adolescent period, counseling can be one of an efficient means for the students and the parents. I think if the counseling is provided to both the students and parents, they would be able to achieve effective solutions for the behavioral changes.

I think the schools and the educational institutions are taking initiatives towards catering to the development of the students. However, lack of strategic vision compels the personnel from the achievement of positive outcomes (Salend, 2015). I think development of a framework for educational curriculum is of utmost importance in terms of delivering the lectures in an efficient and effective manner. I can give the example of Australian educational curriculum, which would enhance the clarity of the administrative personnel to create a positive learning environment for the students. Within this, inclusion of proper pedagogical methods is crucial. This is because of giving proper lessons to the students regarding the events, which are taking place in their surroundings. I think the teachers, principles and the board panel needs to be involved in the meetings for deciding the courses. After the meeting, the students need to be informed about the courses included in the curriculum.

The courses need to be made interesting, so that the students get the knowledge through a play way method. This process would generate interest within the students regarding the courses (Spratt & Florian, 2015). I think if practical knowledge is levied to the students, they would not feel bored. Consciousness of the teachers and the principals in this direction would reduce the mischievious behavior of the students. I also feel that group discussion between the students from different backgrounds would be fruitful in terms of reducing the instances of harassments and discriminations. The teachers need to inculcate moral values of sharing and kindness within the students (Tadesse & Gillies, 2015). Here I can say that if moral science is included in the subjects, the students would get good guidance on being a good human being in their future.

I can relate the Reality Therapy here. The mentally retarded students need special assistance from the teachers in order to grasp the lessons being taught in the schools. Here, negligence would mean shredding off the responsibilities regarding their development from the adolescent stage. Along with this, careless attitude from the teachers would deprive these special students from knowing the difference between the right and the wrong things. Delving deep into the issue, this mentality of the teachers and the administrative personnel can be considered as an escape from the real scenario of education, which they are to provide to the students (Tintiangco et al., 2015).

I think every student is instructed to maintain the discipline of the school. Here, little mischief needs to be allowed for catering to the entertainment needs of the students. In this context, Assertive Disciple proposed by Lee canter is appropriate as it is needed for effective management of the classroom environment. Most of the teachers are unable to control the students, as they expose unruly behavior in the classroom. The previous sentence acts as an answer for the question proposed by the assignment. Controlling the behavior of the students enables the educators to estimate the learning environment, which would help the adolescents to achieve proper development from the current stage. Adoption of appropriate pedagogy is the means towards the achievement of educational development.

References and bibliography

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