Essay assignment #5: Review of the semester
Your assignment is to think back over the semester of PSY 230 and identify the most important research finding or psychological concept that you learned. You will write a four-paragraph essay to address the following prompts.
In your opinion, what is the most important research finding that you learned? (This needs to be an important finding that you learned in class. Describe the specific research finding or psychological concept. You must reference your textbook or the chapter notes. Be specific – what chapter and page discusses this? This needs to be something that really is important. There are many right answers but there are also some wrong answers. I will not accept vague or obvious statements.)
Why is it important to know this? Explain for the reader why it is important to know this research or concept.
You will be graded on the choice of something that is important, plus the accuracy of your description and your explanation of why it is important.
Cite your source in the text and reference it at the end. If you do not cite the source (which can only be the textbook OR the class notes in Canvas), you will earn a 0.
Include an introductory and a concluding paragraph.
Write as if you are teaching this information to somebody who has never heard it before.
Save your essay as a .doc, .docx, or .pdf file. Submit it through the Canvas submit button.