Rhetorical Analysis Essay
1.8 Rhetorical Analysis Essay
text and magnifying glass
Apply critical reading techniques to text
Compose a rhetorical analysis essay
Evaluate how personal context influences a perspective
Summarize, respond to, and document sources
For this assignment, you will apply the techniques of rhetorical analysis from Chapter 4 to an article on recycling.
You may continue with FOLLOWING articles https://www.motherjones.com/environment/2017/07/are-alternate-utensils-for-take-out-an-envrioment-friendly-option/
Review the following concepts that you need to use in the analysis: rhetorical situation and appeals to logos, ethos, and pathos (Introduction chapter); elements/structure of argument including refutation (Chapter 1); rhetorical analysis, rhetorical situation, context, means of persuasion, rhetorical strategies, and stylistic techniques (Chapter 4).
Review your earlier assignments and discussion posts on recycling articles prior to the analysis. You will write to an imaginary critic as your audience. Understand that your imaginary critic is skeptical and needs convincing.
Approximately 1000 words, plus a Works Cited page in MLA Format. Don’t forget your in-text citations!
To see a sample paper, read the article “Terror’s Purse Strings” by Dana Thomas on pages 118-119 ARTICLE LINK https://www.nytimes.com/2007/08/30/opinion/30thomas.html
and the following sample rhetorical analysis of the article on pages 119-121. ARTICLE LINK http://billtheblogg.blogspot.com/2010/09/week-3-blog-don
This sample student’s paper is structured similarly to the assigned paper. Pay attention to the marginal comments and notice how the student states the claim and moves through the analysis of different rhetorical elements.
To gather ideas for analysis, please view this handout on Writing a Critical Response and this page on The Rhetorical Situation. The file with a PowerPoint presentation is located at the top of the linked web page.
Please review the MLA lesson available in this weekly folder.
You can start with the Template for Writing Rhetorical Analysis on page 123.
To make sure your paper meets the expectations for this assignment, review the page with “Tips for Rhetorical Analysis Essay” that follows the assignment and consider the grading rubric for the assignment included in this weekly folder.
If you have questions about the assignment, post them to Q&A Topic on the Discussions.
Due: Sunday, Week 2 (in Unit 2)
Where do I post my work? Please click on the 3.2 Rhetorical Analysis Essay link in black type at the top of the page. Since this is a formal essay that your instructor will type comments on, please upload your essay as a Word file. If needed, review how to submit assignments HERE.
The Word file should be named: “LASTNAME_Rhetorical_Analysis_Essay” and then attached as a file, for example, SMITH_Rhetorical_Analysis_Essay.
You will submit your work via SafeAssign tool. You may view your Originality Report and resubmit the paper up to 2 times (total 3 submissions allowed).