Roman Empire has fallen Poem.
Death Poem-Roman Empire has fallen.
An Elegy is a goodbye poem for a thing that has disappeared. Has to rhyme.
Each line needs to address an aspect of Rome. It can be expressed as first person or third person.
The Roman Empire now has gone, Its mighty power, forever done. No more the legions stand in line, No more the Caesars rule divine.
Its roads and aqueducts still span, The ruins left of a once great land. But gone are the triumphs of old, The glories of the brave and bold.
No more the Colosseum’s roar, The games and bloodshed are no more. The Senate’s voice, now lost in time, Its wisdom faded, like a rhyme.
The art and culture of the past, A legacy that will forever last. But no more the empire will rise, Its fall now written in the skies.
Farewell, great Rome, your time is done, Your legacy lives on, in everyone. Your rise and fall, a lesson to all, That even empires, can stumble and fall.