Tips for Revitalizing Relationship
If your relationship, whether boyfriend or girlfriend or husband and wife is feeling a little stale or strained or you just don’t have as much time to spend with each other as you would like there are very simple and effective things you can do each and everyday that will help you reconnect with each other. Many of us get so caught up in our day to day routines that we begin to take our partners for granted and we let the niceties slip by.
We may neglect to place a phone call, give them a hug, or tell them we love them. Adding these little things back into our days and our relationships can make a big difference in how two partners can feel about each other. Here’s five simple things you can try right away:
- Leave a note. Each and every morning, whoever leaves the house first should leave the other a note. It can be something simple as to say ‘have a nice day, I’ll be thinking of you’ or ‘hope you slept well, can’t wait to see you tonight.
’ If you both are up at the same time and leave the house together then slip the note into a purse or briefcase. This little action will speak volumes. It tells your partner that you are thinking about them and regardless of how busy you are you still took the time to think of them.
- Call them just because…sometimes we won’t call our partners while they working because we think they are too busy.
Maybe they are. Even if they can’t come to the phone or they are not in the office call and leave them a voice mail. Even if you have nothing specific to tell them just say ‘I was thinking about you, just wanted you to know.’ Imagine how good that would feel in the midst of a busy schedule to hear the voice of someone they are close to or love tell them that.
- Embrace them when there is no reason too. There is one thing that I absolutely love and that is when my wife comes up behind me and wraps her arms around me for no reason. She doesn’t have to say a word. The embrace can last for only 30 seconds but it is enough to help us reconnect, if only for a moment.
- Surprise them with a kiss. I don’t mean the customary peck on the cheek or lips as they are bounding out the door to go to work. Surprise them with a deep, passionate kiss like the ones you experienced when the relationship was young. Press your body against theirs and let them know how attracted you are to them.
- Give them the look. You know the one. That look that you used to give each other when you first started falling in love. That look that seems to fade away as relationships grow stale. Bring that look back when they are not expecting it. That look will reaffirm to them that you are attracted to them and in love.