Benjamin Franklin’s Autobiography and Abigail Adams’s Letter to John Adam

Foundational documents such as Benjamin Franklin’s autobiography showcase what kind of brilliant individuals our nation was built from while also exemplifying the prevalence and importance of the ideas they proposed in our world today. Not only do we see these ideals in positive aspects of our current day but also in lots of political, social, […]

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Abolish Slavery in America

Today, I want to share not only about my dream but also about the whole community of color people, to make it come true. Let me mention this first, Thomas Jefferson did write, “All men are created equal their Creator endows them with certain inalienable Rights among these are Life, Liberty, and pursuit of Happiness…” […]

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John F. Kennedy’s Inaugural Speech: Rhetorical Analysis

In 1961, John F. Kennedy delivered an inaugural speech of hope and inspiration. Kennedy intends to make an impression that in order to achieve peace within the world, we must unite to help each other in these hard times. In his speech, JFK used many rhetorical strategies to achieve his purpose of pressing his idea […]

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Presidency of John F. Kennedy in The Making of the President 1964

John F. Kennedy’s reign as president remained short-lived, but his impact bequeathed a lasting legacy for the future leaders of America. Kennedy’s earnest concern for the American people made him very popular because he constantly had the best interest of the people in mind. In the midst of the Cold War, John F. Kennedy was […]

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John Proctor and the Salem Witch Trials in The Crucible

The writing happens in Salem, Massachusetts, in 1692 during the Salem witch trials. The play is a fictionalized version of the trials and tells the story of a group of young Salem ladies, Who were desperate enough to try “Dark Magic” and get caught to get out of trouble they start to accuse other villagers […]

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Exploration of Social Injustice in Arthur Miller’s The Crucible

Throughout the ages, humans have proven themselves countless times to be disloyal, selfish, and underhanded. It is with a degree of smugness and superiority that we often regard events such as the cruel, corrupt governmental systems of the past, abuses of the church, and mass murders in the name of religion. We tend to believe […]

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The Relationship Between News And Peace In The Vietnam War

Introduction The Vietnam War was and continues to be a powerful political symbol, a montage of discrete, contradictory and striking images seared into our individual and collective psyches. Some of the most poignant images invoked include: a Buddhist monk in flames, a South Vietnamese officer executing a captured Vietcong, and the American flag being burned. […]

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History of Vietnam War

During WWII Japan captured Vietnam and allowed the collaborationist French to continue to oversee their colony. Vietnam saw the coming of the Japanese an end to white colonial rule, but a man named Ho Chi Minh saw the Japanese as alien invaders, no more welcome than the French. They were only interested in seizing Vietnamese […]

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Monetary Policy Analysis Paper (Post WW2, 1945)

In order to fully understand the magnitude of post WW2 had on the USA economy and how the Federal Reserve Monetary policy contributed to it, we first must understand the role of the federal reserve, which is the central banking system of the United States of America. “It was created on December 23, 1913, with […]

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The Revolution: One’s View of the Tactics Used During Protest

The United States involvement in the Vietnam War can be viewed in multiple ways. One of the many ways that it was viewed was through anger, and this can be shown by how radical some acted in response to the war. Many people did back these protests, particularly young college students.One of these responses was […]

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