Letters from American Civil War

November 21st, 1863 Betsy Lawrence 386 Rivington Road 7th Avenue Apt No. 2 New York City, NY To My Dear Betsy: I want to thank you for curing my wounds and taking care of me in the worst times. It’s only been a few days since I left, but I am already missing you so […]

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Justifying American Imperialism 

Four intellectuals named Frederick Jackson Turner, Alfred T. Mahan, Herbert Spencer, and Charles Darwin all had ideas and philosophies that were used together to justify American imperialism. Imperialism is the policy of extending a country’s power and influence through diplomacy. During the early nineteenth century Social Darwinism, Anglo-Saxonism, and the Frontier Thesis, was a big […]

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Impact of Imperialism on America

Origins America at the turn of the century was booming with new life and new opportunities. With rapid growth of population, big businesses, and consuming added with the pressure of immigration and labor laws the country was at the brink of bursting. It wasn’t hard to tell that America was looking to expand its borders. […]

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History of American Imperialism

America has never been a nation that was overlooked or seen as unimportant. The desire for power and importance never let the proud nation shy away from any challenge or give up without a fight. America began using all of its assets to rise above other opposing nations and to become the major powerhouse of […]

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Deadly Events of Atomic Bomb

In the history of the world there were many wars between the countries, the famous and biggest ones are World War One and two if world war three happens there will be no survival on earth because of nuclear power introduced during World War Two. Nuclear power can be used in both productive and disruptive […]

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History of Atlantic Slave Trade

In the ancient middle, trade helped the people who lived there in many ways. One way that it helped the people was that it was a good way to flow goods. This is of trade is called cosmopolitan, since there were widely spread cultures, lifestyles, and ideas. All the money they made in the middle […]

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Fantastic Places to Visit in Japan

Japan is one of the world’s most visited countries. It has a wonderful history that dates back to thousands of years. With a rich culture and old traditions, tourists from all over the world visit Japan. Despite all the wars this country has been through, a good amount of history is still intact and preserved […]

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Supporting American Imperialism

American imperialism is basically America gaining more power. I personally support imperialism. I have five main points to why I support imperialism. My first point is sharing the economic factors. During US imperialism, it was a top priority and there were high hopes to find new areas and markets for trading. Through imperialism, the United […]

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