Stress Management Techniques at Work
Stress management techniques at work how do you manage the added workload and not get caught up in letting the daily grind suck the life right out of you here five stress management tips for work. One Drink Yes drink water that is water is the best stress busting elixir on the market aim for […]
How to Relieve Stress Man and Woman
How to Relieve Woman Stress Modern life is unfortunately designed in such a way that the ability to avoid or prevent the effects of stress is almost impossible. The influence of stress factors on individuals does not depend on their upbringing, level of culture or education. Especially the beautiful half of humanity is exposed to […]
Recent Changes in Family Structure
If you ask people what the word family means to them, you will probably get different answers from all of them. Family conjures up different meanings for everyone and depending on whom you ask, family can be the most important thing in a person’s life. For thousands of years, the construct of a family has […]
Marriage, Love And Caste In India
India is a nation of cultural diversification. With its remarkable composition of tradition and the vast heritage of ancient culture, it provides an interesting background to study romantic relationships. Indian literature and mythologies depict their liberal, lenient and dispassionate views on human sexuality, love, and individual freedom as well. In Hinduism Love is categorized into […]
Bullying is a Big Concern in Society
In the twenty-first century, the act of bullying is not limited to the schoolyard and workplaces only as in the past. The easy access to the internet has broken all the limitations and boundaries of this act. Now, this practice has reached the personal bedroom of sufferers. Bullying has become a big issue today and […]
Serious Consequences of Bullying for Children
Attention to bullying is definitely rising nationwide, and it is unfortunately a prevalent childhood occurrence. Bullying implicates serious outcomes for children who initiated the bullying, the bystanders and also those who are victimised by the bullies. Bullying not only causes victims to experience somatic disturbances but also has adverse effects on psychological health and brain […]
Why You Should Meditate if You Suffer Stress
A few months ago, it was recommended to Laura, a young Madrilenian businesswoman, to try meditation. Meditate, me? Why? Why? He asked his doctor about his suggestion to practice mindfulness. The answers were in front of her eyes, even though she could not ‘read’ them at that time. She was a professional and socially successful […]
Yoga for Lowering Stress
Yoga and You If you hear the phrase yoga, do you consider an individual together with his legs tangled up like a pretzel? In that case, it could look like yoga may be very difficult or simply for adults. Not true! Children and youths can do yoga for similar cause grown-ups do: as a result […]
Tips Against Exam Stress
Below we give you a number of tips on how to deal with exam stress. These are a supplement to the general exam tips that we have prepared for all exam candidates. Make a list of all the positive things in your life. Count all the positive things in your life and the positive things […]
9 Ways to Deal with Mental Stress
The day is going on as much as our busyness is growing. There is no leisure time! To maintain balance over time, there will be such busyness and also accept the reality. Many of us can’t easily accept it and our mental stress increases. Nothing gets done properly. So, if you have to stay mentally […]
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